Sex and War:
Simone’s Notes:
Sexual intercourse may be defined by different words, including coitus,
copulation, coition or intercourse, which is typically shorthand for sexual
intercourse. The term coitus is derived from the Latin word coitio or coire,
meaning "a coming together or joining together" or "to go together", and it
describes a variety of sexual activities under ancient Latin names, but usually
refers exclusively to penile-vaginal penetration. This is often termed vaginal
intercourse or vaginal sex. The term vaginal sex, and less often vaginal
intercourse, may also refer to any vaginal sexual activity, particularly if
penetrative, including sexual activity between lesbian couples. Copulation, by
contrast, most often means the mating process of non-human animals; it is
generally defined as the sexually reproductive act of transferring sperm from a
male to a female or sexual procreation between a man and a woman, but can denote
any sexual activity between opposite-sex or same-sex pairings.
Bang, bang,
They made the
first move.
Their first
victim fed their queen.
She was only
The Rules
There aren’t
really any rules in war.
Attack, seduce,
drink, turn, and repeat.
Any questions?
The city is
their lusty playground.
The city is
their kingdom.
The city is
their feeding ground.
The city is the
battle zone
The slaves know
how to fight.
They also want
to have fun.
Manami orders
them to balance both.
Let’s see how
that will work.
War Machines
Dr. Pierce has a
new job.
The pets will
help the Fallen Ones win the war.
He doesn’t mind.
It gives him a
new project.
The Boys
The boys are
itching for action.
Killing or
They want it
They will get it
real soon.
The evening
comes for celebration.
Drink! Drink!
Their voices
start to carry through the night.
They are only
getting started too.
The Parlor
Welcome to the
The party is in
high gear.
Edward and Mya
run the place.
Their parlor is
a place for resting.
End of the Day
The day is done.
The casualties
are soft for now.
Normal humans
don’t see it yet.
But they will
It’s Not Over Yet
This was only day one.
They want more…
Blood, sex, drinking, drugs, and war.