I Won’t Back Down
So they finally come to me! Bout time! Stef here. As Angie said, I’m gay. And proud of it, thank you very much! I have a twisted sense of humor. So don’t get shocked when I say something “rude.” It’s just how I am.
First off, most of my family is dead! My mother died of cancer when I was only eight. So I was raised in a house full of men with my father and older brother. Our father died five years ago in a car accident. My brother, Tobias, died two years of ago in Iraq while on active duty. The only family I have is my eighteen-year-old niece, Sadie. She is, I’ll be honest, a slut! The girl has been with more men than Shannon. The girl isn’t too bright was love. That’s where she and I are different. I am wise enough to see a rotten bastard in a flash. Sadie on the other hand, doesn’t see until it’s too late. Ah, my dear Tobias. He always had a soft touch with that girl. If she were my daughter, she’d still be a virgin to this day. But what can I do? Sadie’s mom died when the girl was three. So I do have some sympathy for her. Some of the time….
Then, there is the Perry-Shannon-Edward triangle. I feel sorry for those poor men. Perry, because he was led astray from his first wife, Leslie, and married this evil slutty shrew. Edward, because that evil snake seduced him into her bed. I just can’t sit still and watch them sink into unspeakable levels of hell. That is why it is my mission to be the angel sent from heaven to save their souls from the devil Shannon. Why am I doing it? That’s for me to know, and you to find out! Ha!
My next item is this dorm house and Artmis. Oh boy! Where do I begin on this one? *Laughing hard* Dorm House or Artmis? Dorm House or Artmis? Hm… It’s so hard to choose. Hm…. I think I’ll go with…. the Dorm House! I’ve looked around this dump many times and have reached a conclusion: this place is a piece of shit! How can that idiot Artmis think students can actually live in such conditions that this sorry building is in. The walls need new coats of paint. The air conditioning is busted! The windows look like they could give at any moment. The whole piece stinks and needs a maid! Yep! That idiot Artmis only opened this building for a tax write-off!
Speaking of Artmis, he is a total dumass. The only thing the guy cares about is his looks and his money. How the hell did this guy get a job in the first place? Even Janis hates him. I get a smallest feeling that he feels the same about us “Dark Moons.” But not to worry. We always get our revenge on that rotten bastard. How so? Hee-hee. You’ll have to wait and read on, my friend!
Well, let’s see now. I covered my niece, my mission to save Ed and Perry from the evil bitch, Shannon, and my opinion on this dorm house and Artmis. I think that’s it. For now…
Let’s Get to the Point