Sex Withdrawals:

Simone’s Notes:

Withdrawal by definition is a physical illness and discomfort that accompany the withdrawal of an addictive. Withdrawal can apply to anything. Drugs, alcohol, porn, shopping, and sex are a few on the list. Withdrawal is an ugly site to see. Sweat, hallucinations, hunger to the point of madness, nausea, chills. This is the result of a withdrawal. The end result is madness beyond belief. It is all an ugly site to behold.

Edward lied in bed later that night. The hunger had started up again. The hit from the yuri film had long worn off. The dog was awake and barking. Winry wasn’t around yet again. She had gone off with the girls downtown. The porn had long since lost its powerful effect it once had. The young alchemist was in a tight jam. He knew it would all get worse if he didn’t do something fast! The dog would enjoy torturing him to sheer insanity until he did. Go out to a brothel. [No! I am not going to cheat on Winry! I already did that before! I was lucky enough to get a second chance from her to make things work. I’m not going to mess it all up by cheating on her again.] But you already here! What about Derdra, Shannon, Shanghai Girl, Moscow Girl, and even Nancy! Face it, Edward! You have already cheated on Winry with them. You might as well sleep with a few more girls! What’s wrong with a few flings here and there? [That’s all that they are! They were just flings! Nothing more! They will never occur again!] Sure! You say that now! But, that will soon change! [No it won’t! I will fight to stay true to her!] Fine! But you what will happen! [I don’t care. You always use the same tactics to get me to submit. So, I know what you are going to do! I can rise above you! So go, do your worst!]

Edward shouldn’t have ask for that. The dog had gotten stronger. It certainly wasn’t taking no for an answer this time. This beast was serious in getting fed! Ed suddenly felt himself trembling. [Oh no, you don’t! I know what tricks you can pull! It’s not going to work on me this time!] The dog said nothing. It just continued it’s cruel torture on its host. The beast was determined to be fed or something. “Damnit!” the young alchemist thought. “Where is Winry when I need her?” He tried not to think about sex. But that too was next to impossible. Edward found himself in a pool of heavy sweat.

Time seemed to have stopped. The only light in the room was from the city lights outside. It formed shadows on the dim walls. Trees looked like naked women. Naked women making out with each other. Edward shook his head wildly. “No!” he thought. “Don’t think about sex! You’ll only be letting that damn mutt win!!!” The young alchemist shut his eyes tightly. But that only made things even worse. Edward could see every porn film he had even seen over the past few weeks being played over and over again in his head. He just couldn’t find the remote to turn it off. The sweat increases in his body.

[Is that all you got? I still won’t let you win! Even if I have to suffer the whole night, I won’t give in!] Suit yourself! This had turned into a game of Say Uncle. The dog was twisting his left arm just hard as he could. Come on, Ed! This could all be made easier if you go visit a hooker. It hurts me to do this to you! But what else can I do? I’m hungry! All I want is something to eat! Just feed me some sex and I’ll be sleeping like a little puppy! There it was again. That little lie it always told. Ed knew it wasn’t true. But yet, he still believed the beast. He had no ever choice. It was the only way Ed could ever sleep at night. “You’re letting it win again!” he thought. “Don’t think about sex! Think about something else!” His heart began pounding as he broke out into chills. The sheets were now starting to get damp with sweat. Time was now dead. How much longer? How much longer before he lost his mind? How much longer before he indulged himself in more poison? How much longer before Winry found out and left him again? How much longer? How much longer?

Edward began thinking about Derdra. Such a nice girl she was. He couldn’t believe that they were bitter to each other in the beginning. Now, he had grown close to the nurse. In fact, they were good friends. No, more than friends. F**k buddies was what they were. Ed smiled as he remembered the times that they slept together. Her body was so soft and warm. He loved the way her spiral bounced with each thrust he made inside of her. Derdra’s voice was so sweet and high when she cried out his name. Her heavy well-rounded breasts made him hungry for her in an instant. Ed began to miss the nurse’s bed already. He was sweating and trembling all over again. The sickness was getting worse by the second.

Then, he shook his head wildly in sweat again. “No!” Edward thought in desperation. “That was only a few times! It will never happen again!” The young alchemist tried his best to ignore the awakening organ between his legs from thinking about Derdra. That’s what you say now! [Shut up! I am not sinking to Shannon’s level again!] But you already have! Edward lied there at a loss for words. He knew in his heart of hearts that the dog was right. He had cheated on Winry. Try as he might to dress it up, what he did was still wrong. He felt so bad about it every time the truth crossed his mind. The young alchemist became sick to his stomach all over again. He wanted to hurl. He wanted to scream in misery. He just… He just…. He just wanted to sleep again!

Aw! Did I hurt a guilty nerve? Edward didn’t answer back. He was too weak to speak anymore. The dog grinned to itself. It had its host right where it wanted him. Now it was time to pull the right strings. I know how to end your pain! [How?] By now, Edward was desperation for any relief. The boy was now soaked with sweat. He was both hot and cold now. Ed had never felt this sick before in his life. The boy knew the dog was lying again. But, he didn’t care anymore. The young alchemist just wanted to sleep again. The dog smiled to itself. It new the perfect weapon to win this round. Its host was just putty in his paws.

Just then, the door flew open. A cool breeze greeted Edward as he looked to it. Winry stood in the doorway. Even though he couldn’t see her too well, Ed knew it was her. She looked right at him. “Edward!” his girlfriend gasped out. “What happened to you?” The poor soul couldn’t answer him. Winry quickly rushed over to him. “Don’t worry!” she called out. “I’m here for you!” Then, the mechanic hurried to the bathroom and soaked some clothes in cold running water. She hurried back and put them on Edward’s forehead. Instantly, the young alchemist began to feel better. He saw Winry in clear vision. She looked worried. “Are you alright now?” his girlfriend asked. Edward still couldn’t speak. He nodded at her. Right then, Winry sensed there was a problem. She couldn’t exactly name it yet. But, the mechanic know she had to act fast. Winry decided to stay the rest of the night with Edward to keep a close eye on him.

The dog lied quiet and watched everything. It was plotting again. Winry’s interference was a problem. How could it fix it so that even her presence wouldn’t affect its hold of its host? The dog knew it had the answer but couldn’t put it together. The beast found itself going to sleep at Winry’s loving touch around Edward as its host was drifting off to a peaceful sleep. His angel had came to his rescue at long last without any sex. “This is nice…” he thought.