Wicked Games:

Simone’s Notes:

The word psychotherapy comes from the Ancient Greek words psyche, meaning breath, spirit, or soul and therapeia or therapeuein, to nurse or cure. Its use was first noted around 1890. Most forms of psychotherapy use spoken conversation. Some also use various other forms of communication such as the written word, artwork, drama, narrative story, music, or therapeutic touch. Psychotherapy occurs within a structured encounter between a trained therapist and client(s). Purposeful, theoretically based psychotherapy began in the 19th century with psychoanalysis; since then, scores of other approaches have been developed and continue to be created. Therapy is generally employed in response to a variety of specific or non-specific manifestations of clinically diagnosable and/or existential crises. Treatment of everyday problems is more often referred to as counseling. However, the term counseling is sometimes used interchangeably with "psychotherapy". Whilst some psychotherapeutic interventions are designed to treat the patient employing the medical model, many psychotherapeutic approaches do not adhere to the symptom-based model of "illness/cure". Some practitioners, such as humanistic therapists, see themselves more in a facilitative/helper role. As sensitive and deeply personal topics are often discussed during psychotherapy, therapists are expected, and usually legally bound, to respect client or patient confidentiality. The critical importance of confidentiality is enshrined in the regulatory psychotherapeutic organizations codes of ethical practice.

Bette looked down upon the leveling realm. The graduate student sighed aloud. How did this all get so difficult? It was all supposed to be simple. After Mother Superior retired as headmistress from Aizen Myo-o Academy, Bette was going to take over. Then Alice would be the graduate student to take over Bette’s position as student president of the academy. (It was going to be a tough choice between Ai-Oni and Alice, but since Ai-Oni left the school, Alice won by default.) But now, everything had turned so difficult. How did this happen? Bette sighed aloud again.

“How did this all get so difficult?” she asked aloud.

“Do you want the long version or the short version?” a voice asked behind her. The graduate student looked up quickly. Mother Superior stood near the gate of the back garden with her cigarette in her mouth. Bette just sighed and shook her head.

“Does it really matter?” she asked. “We’re all in this mess together now.”

“That’s true,” the headmistress replied. Then she walked over to with a sheet of paper in her hands. Bette looked at it out of curiosity.

“What is that?” she asked. Mother Superior smiled at her.

“A message from Ella,” she replied patiently.

“What’s it say?” the graduate student asked.

“We’ll see in a minute,” the headmistress said as she opened the letter. Bette came around to her so that she could read along as well. Her eyes widened at the content.

“It says that she has found two humans that can paint the future!” she exclaimed. The graduate student and the headmistress looked at each other in surprise.

“I thought it was only a myth!” Bette cried.

“Apparently, it’s real,” Mother Superior replied. “And Ella is saying that we could use there two humans to our advantage. But there is a snag.” Bette looked at the headmistress confused.

“A snag?” she asked. “What kind of snag?”

“The little girl, Alessia, is currently in therapy for her anti-social behavior,” Mother Superior explained. “And the artist, Irene, is a bipolar drug addict.” Bette grimaced at the hitch.

“So, what do we do?” she asked. Mother Superior smiled at her brightly.

“Most of our girls and Ella are working with Irene now,” she replied. “We will deal with the little girl.” Bette smiled back at her.

“I know where she and her mother are right now!” she replied.

“Shall we go then?” Mother Superior asked.

“Thought that you would never ask!” Bette exclaimed. Then they headed down to the living realm to find Alessia and Addi.

Addi sat in front of the child psychiatrist on the fourth appointment. The ticking clock in the background wasn’t helping her at all. The master sergeant rubbed her heels together in discomfort. She only hoped it was for the best. The psychiatrist looked up from her chart to the woman.

“Are you ready to begin, Ms. Bailey?” she asked the master sergeant. Addi clinched her hands nervously. The doctor noticed it. She smiled kindly at her.

“It’s okay to be nervous like this, Ms. Bailey,” she told the master sergeant. “Take your time if you have to.” Addi nodded as she breathed in again.

“Just give me a few seconds,” she said.

“Okay,” the psychiatrist replied. Addi took in another deep breath. She shut her eyes tightly and nodded. The master sergeant even counted backwards slowly in her head. Addi finally, but slowly opened her eyes. She was ready to begin.

“Okay,” she said. “I’m ready now.”

“Good,” the psychiatrist said. “Then we’ll begin now.”

“Wait!” Addi said quickly. The doc froze.

“Is there a problem Ms. Bailey?” she asked.

“You won’t tell anybody about this, will you?” Addi asked. The psychiatrist smiled kindly at her.

“Ms. Bailey,” she said. “I promise you that all sessions are confidential.” Addi breathed out again.

“Okay,” she said. “I’m ready then.” The doc smiled as she hit record on the tape player.


Session with Parent/Guardian #1:


Doc: How would you describe Alessia?


Addi: Alessia is a quiet girl. She doesn’t really talk or play with the other kids. She keeps to herself all of the time. I think some of that is my father fault. *Pause* And parts of that is my fault…


Doc: Oh? How so?


Addi: *Fridges a bit* After she was born, I saw her as my own little worry doll. I was very protective over her. You see, my father molested me and got me pregnant with Alessia when I was thirteen. At first, I didn’t think the monster would do the same things he did to me to her. But one morning while she was coloring, she proved me wrong. I was getting ready for school when she said the words that would make me burn forever. “Daddy was on top of me touching me down there!” Alessia said out of the blue. I froze in shock, fear, and anger. That monster had his sickness out on my daughter! From then on, I made sure that she stayed with me at all times. Where she used to sleep in Derek’s old room, I moved her to my room at night just so he would try to molester her again.


Doc: So you’re need reasonable need to keep Alessia away from your father may have caused her not to talk to anybody.


Addi: I guess… But, that’s not the only thing.


Doc: What do you mean?


Addi: *Pauses for another moment* She sleepwalks.


Doc: Sleepwalks?


Addi: Yes! I tried everything—setting up an obstacle course around her bed to keep her in her room at night, tying a bell to her wrists and even her ankles, talking her back to bed, nothing has been walking. Then, there are her nightmares when she sleepwalks. Alessia keeps screaming out, “They’re going to kill us! The sky is turning red! Their blood is raining down upon us!”


Doc: Why would she yell that?


Addi: She won’t tell me. But the strangest thing is her drawings.


Doc: What about them?


Addi: *Nervous pause* They’re not particularly normal little kid drawings…


Doc: How do you mean?


Addi: Most kids draws nature, their families, houses, and nice things. Alessia draws “pets,” as she calls some of the people in their drawings, being tormented by demons. I have of them with me right now. *Opens up her shoulder bag and digs for it. Finds the art and hands it to the doc*


*A nice pause*


Doc: Oh wow! This is disturbing for an eleven year old!


Addi: Yes! There is one more stranger thing. One of my comrades’ wife’s friends is constantly at either apartment my brother or I stay in and he leaves with some of her drawings. So what can I do?


*Another long pause*


Doc: We’ll keep Alessia for more sessions and observation. Her education will be continued at her school, but she is to come straight after school. Is that understood, Ms. Bailey?


Addi: Yes, ma’am.


Doc: Good. I think we are done for today.


Addi: Thank you, miss.


The psychiatrist stopped the tape recorder and closed up her notes. The women shook hands and Addi left the psychiatrist’s office.

Bette and Mother Superior were behind the door invisibly listening to the whole session. The plan of action was clear. They needed to find Alessia and guard her at all times so that they cause use her drawings for their cause. Lucky for them, part one was as easy as pie. Bette grinned at the headmistress.

“I know where Alessia right now!” she said in ambition.

“Lead the way!” Mother Superior ordered. Then, the women hurried out of the office and all the way to Alessia’s school. Time was racing against them now.