Why Do You Love Me?
Simone’s Notes:
Infidelity is literally a breach of faith. This term is used mostly in the love world. To break it down in clear terms, infidelity means to be cheating on one’s mate or spouse. Adultery falls under this category as well. The whole concept is an ugly one. Infidelity destroys trust and tears relationships apart. Once that trust is gone, it is hard to build it back up again.
Winry found herself in a minor crisis with her love life. It was just the classic triangle. Both of the boys she loved were almost equal. She loved Edward dearly. Sure, he cheated on her with Shannon, but she still forgave him and gave him a second chance to make things right again. But then, there was sweet old Benji. He was dorky, in a cute way. The guy was still flaky in a sense. But, he was good with his tongue! So was Edward. Winry couldn’t really compare the boys in bed just yet; she hadn’t ran Benji for a full test drive yet. It was tempting to do so. Winry stopped and shook herself from that thought. She couldn’t get herself tangled up in infidelity! That was what almost tore her and Edward apart in the first place. She was so close to leaving him for good. But then, the blonde mechanic had a change of heart and decided to give her boyfriend a second chance. Winry just couldn’t go back on her expectations of him. That would be so unbecoming of her. (Plus she refused to be lumped into Mel, Shannon, and Angie’s brand!)
Winry made it back to her suite room after breakfast the next morning. She decided to tease Edward a little bit sexually just to drive him crazy. In truth, the mechanic missed shagging him so much. Sometimes she just wanted to throw those love magazines in the garbage. What the hell did they know about love and desire? She would love to see the editors go weeks without sex and brag about it! Sadly, she didn’t know that she was in for a great surprise herself. Winry pulled out her key and stuck it into the lock. She heard rushing around as she did so. At first, the mechanic thought nothing about it. She just happily opened the door. “Hi Edward!!!” his girlfriend called out in bliss. “Oh… hi Winry!” he replied nervously on the bed. Ed was half-dressed in his pants and sitting on the bed staring at her. He was clearly hiding something. “Oh,” Winry spoke up. “Did I come at a bad time?” “No! No!” Edward called out. “I just didn’t expect you to come back here at this time.” “Oh?” Winry asked tenderly while slowly getting aroused. “When were you expecting me?” Edward felt his heart beating faster. He had wanted this for weeks, but how could he get it without blowing his secret just now? He decided to go along with her until after she went to sleep and he had the other “problem” fixed.
Winry leaped forward on the bed and lightly embraced Edward. The alchemist was turned on quickly. The dragon didn’t seem to mind either. I get to have two meals in one morning! Just don’ screw this up! [I sure won’t!] His girlfriend then began kissing him on the lips. Edward was happy to kiss back. He let his body quickly drop back onto the bed. Winry climbed on top of him in no time. She then sweetly slipped her tongue into the alchemist’s bed and began her honey massage. It took seconds for Ed to carry on the battle with her. He wrapped his arms around his girl tightly. At long last, he was getting what he wanted.
But then suddenly, there came a shuffle sound in the closet. Winry stopped kissing her boyfriend and quickly looked up. “Ed?” she asked. “What was that?” Her boyfriend tried his best not to look worried. “What was what?” he asked innocently. Winry became suspicious. “Are you hiding something?” she asked sharply. “NO!” Edward quickly yelled. “Why would you believe that?” His girlfriend didn’t believe him at all now. She quickly leapt up from his arms and marched straight over to the closet. Ed became sick with worry as she pushed open the door. Her eyes grew big in despair at her discovery. A woman sat in the floor in closet looking up at her. She looked about nineteen or twenty years old. She was only dressed in bed sheets. Her make-up was still in tact from a few kisses. Her long blonde hair was flowing and wavy all over her shoulders. A red crimson flower sat heavily scent on her head. The woman looked up at the girlfriend like a scared rabbit.
Winry quickly put two and two together. Her so-called boyfriend had cheated on her again! He went back on his word. The blonde mechanic knew that she shouldn’t have taken him back. How could she have been so trusting to him? How could she have been so stupid? She turned to Edward glaring at him. “Edward Elric!” she yelled. The alchemist looked more sick and pale than the time Winry caught him in bed with Shannon. He knew that he was in for it now! Something told him not to bring that woman back to the inn. Damn him for listening to that stupid dragon in the first place! “Winry, I can explain!!!” Ed yelled out. (Everyone knows that phrase never works!) His girlfriend didn’t speak for a long while. The alchemist looked closely at her. “Are those… tears…?” he thought. Then, Winry stormed out of the room without saying a word. She slammed the door loudly. Edward stared after confused. Usually, Winry would get out the wrench and beat him senseless with it. But today, she didn’t even reach into her pocket to draw out the weapon. Something was clearly wrong. “What just happened?” he thought. “She’s never done something like that before! Have I screwed things up that badly this time?” Edward would have to fight for her to give him forgiveness this time!
His lady friend rose to her feet and stepped out of the closet. “So now what?” she asked in expectation. She seemed to be the least affected by this discovery. Edward kept his back to her. “Leave.” the boy told her. The woman was confused by this sudden change in mood. “Sorry?” she asked. “Just go away!” he yelled strongly at her. “I want to be alone now! You’re boring me now!” “That’s what you said moments ago…” she replied. “Shut up and go away!” Edward yelled again annoyed. “Okay…” the woman replied as she shrugged. “So, I’ll see you around then?” The alchemist didn’t answer her. His lady friend just shrugged as she was expecting that to be his response and began getting dressed. The fun was clearly over. She blew a kiss at him before she left. Her morning treat didn’t respond to her at all. He only shuttered in guilt when the door closed and he heard her wine red kitten heels echo down the hall. That was always the worst to him.
Edward collapsed back onto his bed. How was he going to get himself out of this one now? He had a world of kissing up to do. The question was would Winry go for it this time? It’s worth a shot! That settled it then. Edward would give it his all to keep Winry by his side. Meanwhile, the dragon was plotting to have both Winry and many others in Ed’s bed. Little by little, this beast was taking over the host’s life.