White-Flowered Goddess:
Simone’s Notes:
Absolution forgives the guilt associated with the penitent's sins, and removes the eternal punishment associated with mortal sins. The penitent is still responsible for the temporal punishment associated with the confessed sins, unless an indulgence is applied. General absolution, where all eligible Catholics gathered at a given area are granted absolution for sins without prior individual confession to a priest, is lawfully granted in only 2 circumstances: (1) there is imminent danger of death and there is no time for a priest or priests to hear the confessions of the individual penitents, (2) a serious need is present, that is, the number of penitents is so large that there are not sufficient priests to hear the individual confessions properly within a reasonable time so that the Catholics, through no fault of their own, would be forced to be deprived of the sacrament or communion. The diocesan bishop must give prior permission before general absolution may be given under this circumstance. It is important to note that the occurrence of a large number of penitents, such as may occur on a pilgrimage or at penitential services is not considered as sufficient to permit general absolution. Circumstance 2 is thus envisaged more for mission territories where priests may visit certain villages only a few times a year.
In the early morning hours, Edward awoke with guilt in his heart. It wasn’t one of the little moments that he could perfectly ignore. This time of guilt just kept nagging in his heart and in the back of his head. He felt bad for the three nights that he had damaged Alex into being his personal little pet. Try as he might, but Edward just couldn’t ignore the guilt in his soul. He just couldn’t understand. Maybe, there was just some part of him that wanted to stay human. This was always a problem him and his never-ending conquest for pleasure. Well, there was only one way to fix it.
The alchemist looked over at his love, Alex. The lamb was still peacefully asleep. Edward smiled to himself kindly. He leaned down and lightly kissed his lover on the forehead. “Sleep well, Little Alex!” he thought to himself. Then, the incubus climbed out of bed, got dressed, and quietly left the room. Derdra was still in bed at this moment. But this was a serious emergency at the moment. Ed quickly rushed up to his beloved nurse’s door. He had to be careful not to wake up Mia and Anjia. (Izzie, Jessie, Jaks, Suri, and Daphine have moved in with their loves.) Edward sank down into the floor and reappeared in Derdra’s bedroom. He looked over his sleeping goddess. Oh how she looked so beautiful. Edward’s heart was moved with deep purity. She was like the virgin Mary in his eyes. He was the repenting sinner and she was the goddess to take his sins away from his heart. That was how Edward loved the young nurse.
But then, something impure crept into the monster’s soul. Edward suddenly saw his beloved with eyes of lust. The black and red quickly formed in his eyes. He could see every vein in his beloved’s body. The blood was flowing through her body like holy water. The sweet scent of her blood was a cock-tease to him. It was flirting with his sanity badly. The monster suddenly felt hungry again. He wanted her sweet blood for himself. He wanted to make her his own love slave. His fangs quickly out in a rush. Edward was tempted to bite down into his beloved angel’s neck while she slept.
Edward stopped himself quickly. “No!” he thought. “I can’t do that to her! She doesn’t Deserve it!” If he did that, Derdra would be fallen just like him and he would be lost in Hell forever. No! It wasn’t worth risking it in the end. The alchemist tried his best to fight off his urges again. It was always the same thing when he came to see his angel. The smart thing to do was to stay away from Derdra like she was a poisonous cruse. But yet, Edward needed her. He needed her to save himself from Hell. He shook his head hard. Edward took in a deep breath. “Right!” he thought. “Better get this over with before I act on harming her!” So, the incubus took in a deep breath and climbed onto the bed. He lightly shook his goddess awake.
“Derdra!” he whispered to her. “Wake up! Wake up!” The nurse slowly awoke. She slowly opened her eyes and saw her screw buddy standing over her. She looked up at him confused.
“Edward?” Derdra asked as she looked closely at him. “What are you doing here?” Edward quickly took her hands. He dropped down to his knees before her. He bowed his head on her lap.
“Please forgive me!” Edward blurted out. “I have sinned again!” Derdra’s heart ached inside but she didn’t show it. The nurse knew that this was coming. It was always the same with Edward. She knew what he was already because he confessed it to her. One would’ve run away from him screaming. One would’ve given up hope with this monster by now. But for some reason, Derdra saw something genuine in his corrupt soul. Ed seemed true in his repentance. It was just… he was an addict. The incubus was just very sick. He was a poor soul begging her for help. He only came to her for some peace in his soul. She was the only one that could give it to him. So now, the nurse knew what she had to do.
Derdra lightly lifted up Edward’s head to face her. He had real tears in his red and black covered eyes. His goddess felt great pity for him. She lightly brushed away his tears and lightly kissed him on the lips. Edward began to feel a little better. He still resisted pursuing his desires even more. Derdra lightly pulled away from him. Edward stared deep into those sweet brown eyes of hers. Her purity was reaching out to him.
“Go on,” she said to him softly. “What did you do this time?” Edward took in a deep breath.
“I have made a pet more submissive to me,” he admitted. “I raped and beat him to make him my own. I feel so bad for doing that.” Edward began to form in his eyes again. The pain his heart started up again. There was still a part of him that ached to be human.
“But not only that,” Edward forced himself to go on. “The Witches’ Festival is coming on sundown today. The succubi will try to take a mate for themselves. I tell you this now so that you don’t fall victim to the incubi that are trying to hunt for some new blood. I love you and don’t want you to become fallen and damned for Hell like I am now. You’re too good for that. I will give you a blessing to protect you from the other monsters like me in three days time.” Derdra looked at him surprised and a little frightened. Edward noticed her face. Sorrow filled his heart. He hated when his sins scared her to her very core. She was loyal and trusted him almost to the point of blindness. Edward smiled to himself kindly. He was glad for her loyalty. Derdra was just so good to him. Such love called for a little “reward.”
“Awww…” the monster said out of sympathy for her. “Come here.” Edward lightly took her face in his hand and lightly kissed her on the lips. Derdra relaxed and kissed him back. The alchemist couldn’t hold back any longer. Edward lightly pushed her back onto the bed. He slipped his tongue into her mouth. Her own muscle lightly rubbed up against his. Edward let his hands stray under her shirt and lightly rubbed on her breasts. Derdra moaned lightly in his mouth. She knew what he was already. But yet, the nurse didn’t try to run away at all. She knew in her heart that Edward wouldn’t even bother to hurt her at all. They both knew that too well. For if she were to die, Ed would be lost into Hell forever. Both couldn’t risk that at all.
Edward slowly stripped her down and slid under the sheet with her. Derdra watched him in sweet lust for him. The alchemist yanked off his clothes and used his alchemy to build an air shield to protect her from himself. The incubi had become highly fertile lately. He didn’t want to impregnate her with anything evil. If Derdra became pregnant with a half-breed child, Edward would damn them both into Hell.
The incubus began getting his redemption by making love to Derdra. The nurse held him close to her curvy body as he did so. The couple had to stay quiet in order not to wake up the others in the apartment. (Everyone including the nurses was warned about Edward and the fallen ones. Too bad they didn’t know that the monsters were hiding in plain sight of everyone!) Both of them shut their eyes in bliss. This was completely different for the incubus alchemist. With any other woman or pet, he was violent and the object was control and power. With Alex, the object was a mix of power and little love. But with Derdra, Edward was gentle and loving towards her. He just couldn’t bring himself to hurt his lovely nurse angel. His desires might tell him to do so, but he somehow managed to find the self-control not to do so. Derdra was too precious to him to even hurt. She had to stay pure from him at all costs. His soul depended on it badly. Sure redemption seemed next to impossible to him now, but it was all worth a shot. After all, there had to be some hope for the damned. That was what forgiveness was there for.
Edward came hard within his goddess’s holy temple through the shield. He clinched his teeth tight so not to scream out loud. He felt his sins and corrupt desires being washed away just like that. Derdra slowly opened her eyes. She looked down and saw Edward all covered in sweat. He lightly kissed his goddess on the shoulder. He looked deep into her lovely brown eyes.
“Am I forgiven now?” the incubus asked in deep pity. Derdra smiled at him kindly.
“Yes,” she said to him. “You are forgiven now.” Edward lightly kissed her on the lips on more time.
“Thank you!” he said softly to her. Then he climbed out of bed, got dressed, and quietly sank down into the floor. He had his redemption for the moment now. Good thing, because Edward couldn’t fool around with guilt if he was going to feed more blood and booty for the festival. Derdra just lied silently on the bed. She took all of his words to heart. The nurse knew that Edward would be visiting her more often. But somehow, she didn’t really seem to mind. He loved her too much to do so. After all, Ed would never hurt her at all. He needed her to save his soul from eternal damnation. He really meant it when he was confessing his crimes to her. He was just an addict, that was all.