White Rabbit Alice:
Simone’s Notes:
The femme fatale has been portrayed as a sexual vampiress; her charms leach the virility and independence of lovers, leaving them shells of themselves. Rudyard Kipling was inspired by a vampiress painted by Philip Burne-Jones, an image typical of the era in 1897, to write his poem 'The Vampire'. Like much of Kipling's verse it was incredibly popular, and its refrain: A fool there was . . . , describing a seduced man, became the title of the popular film A Fool There Was that made Theda Bara a star, the poem was used in its publicity. On this account, in early American slang the femme fatale was called vamps, short for vampiress. Jules et Jim falls in love with the same woman Jeanne Moreau in a classic French film by Francois Truffaut from 1962. From the American film audience perspective, the femme fatale often was foreign, usually either of an indeterminate Eastern European or Asian ancestry. She was the sexual counterpart to wholesome actresses such as Lillian Gish and Mary Pickford. Notable silent cinema vamps were Theda Bara (who started the vamp craze), Louise Glaum, Musidora, Nita Naldi, Pola Negri, and in her early appearances, Myrna Loy.
In the later hours of the night, Leon and Ella made it over to Love Bomber. Love Bomber was a strip and soft core S&M club. The two deities were here to talk to an old friend. White Rabbit Alice was the owner of the club. She was a dear friend of Leon’s. He and this kinky deity were pretty close. How close? Stick around to find out, my friends!
Ella walked up to the club door. Leon stood close behind her. The female deity turned him uncertain.
“Are you sure about this Leon?” she asked in uncertainty.
“Yes!” Leon replied.
“You know how White Rabbit is,” she went on.
“I know!” her friend replied.
“Okay…” Ella replied uneasily. You see, White Rabbit had a bit of a reputation on her. She did anything that moved. “Anyone is fair game,” was her motto. It wasn’t being hit on that worried Ella. Her concern was that Leon would fall for her all over again and get distracted from the mission. Leon was one of her biggest “fans.” Oh yes! They had some rough and fun times. The deity just didn’t know how to quit her at all. Everything about was highly addictive. She was like Lucy in the sky with diamonds with coke clouds. This deity was highly seductive to everyone she met. She could even turn Hughes unfaithful to Gracia with a single smile. So, it was clear for Ella to be rightfully worried. She was glad that Yasmine was happy with Steven, but Leon had Gemma as a girlfriend already. Plus, White Rabbit was very crafty and knew how to get what she wanted. In short, White Rabbit was a drug that Leon was addicted to badly.
The male deity shrugged. “Look!” he insisted. “What ever feelings I had for her back then are gone now! I love Gemma now and I wouldn’t cheat on her at all!” Ella still didn’t look convinced.
“Alright…” she replied. “But you better not keep yourself alone with her!” Leon just sighed.
“Fine!” he said aloud. “I’ll be careful!” His friend still wasn’t convinced, but opened the club door. She walked through with Leon walking behind her. The pure door shut behind them.
Inside was a dark lust wonderland. Black and purple were all around. Erotic pictures were all over the walls. A striper pole was right in the middle of a pool table. Glitter was all over the floor. Booze was flowing freely like a waterfall. Nine Inch Nails and more heavy metal music was playing in the background, adding more to the atmosphere. The sounds of whips echoed in the air. Women were yelling at the top of their lungs to their clients. Men were begging and gaveling at their feet because of it. It all made Leon shutter. This place brought back so many memories for him. How White Rabbit seduced him many a night. How White Rabbit took his virginity the first time they met. How White Rabbit made him her personal slave. Those were strangely the good old days for him. He and Ella made it to the beaded curtain. The female deity pulled the dark purple cord that was hanging above their head. A loud and low gong sound echoed through the air.
“Enter!” a woman’s voice called out. Ella and Leon did so with caution. But how no idea what White Rabbit was plotting today. Even though she couldn’t really be trusted, the situation didn’t really call for their weapons to come out. White Rabbit’s office was like the club itself. Glitter was all over the floor. More erotic pictures were all over the walls. A bar to the right was well lit under light purple lights. Whips and chains decorated the wall on the left with the pictures. Leon was really re-living his past at the moment.
“What goes there?” a female’s voice asked them. Leon and Ella looked up quickly. A woman was sitting up on a silver and royal purple throne. Her hair was short and blonde. Her eyes were a deep wine purple. She was dressed in a wine red playboy bunny outfit. Her shoes were wine red with stiletto heels. Leon just couldn’t take her eyes off of her heavy breasts and thick curves. He wanted to kiss her feet, legs, and thighs. She had a full glass of wine in her hands. This was the famous White Rabbit Alice in the flesh. This was the woman that held Leon’s heart hostage to this very day. She seemed to still have it in her grasp. Ella stepped forward.
“Ella and Leon!” she replied. The woman leaned forward to the guests. She looked at the deities. Her lips curved into a wicked smile.
“Leon!” she called out happily. “I haven’t seen you in years! What brings you and Ella by all of a sudden?” The male deity stepped up next to his female friend.
“We are all in grave danger!” he replied. “Manami has been born and the Red Jasmine virus is spreading quickly!” White Rabbit’s eyes grew big in shock. She rose up to her throne and walked over to the male deity. Leon’s heart began to race. He could feel her affects coming onto him. She leaned in close to his strong ear.
“Talk to me in my chambers!” White Rabbit whispered to him. Almost unconsciously, Leon nodded. Then, the mistress walked back to her chambers. Then, the male deity followed behind her blankly. Ella watched him in deep caution. “Be very careful, Leon!” she thought in slight worry.
Leon and White Rabbit made it back to the bed chambers. This place was just like the club and her office. Erotic pics, glitter on the floor, walls and chains on the walls, black and purple all around, and booze waiting to be opened on the black nightstand. The bed was a canopy decorated with purple and black silk sheets. White Rabbit drew back the curtain and sat back on the bed smirking at him.
“So,” she said. “How did this get out of hand this time?” Leon couldn’t take his eyes off of her at all. The spell was happening again. The male deity tried to fight his growing urges.
“Trent and Jez slowed down Ella and them,” he replied. White Rabbit kept looking at him.
“Oh really?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Leon replied. White Rabbit kept looking at him with her seductive eyes.
“So you’ve come to me for help?” she asked.
“Y-Yes!” Leon stammered out. White Rabbit smiled at him wickedly.
“I see,” she replied. The hunter just couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was playing him big time tonight. This was what she always did to him. This time was no different. Leon suddenly realized that he was now fighting a losing battle. So he resolved to try and stay focused for the time being until he achieved the help that he needed from the huntress.
“Let me guess,” White Rabbit spoke up. “You need my help with breaking do the plan into tiny little swallowable pieces, right?”
“Yes!” Leon admitted. The mistress smiled at him. She sensed his nervous feelings right away. He couldn’t hide anything from him. She knew him too well. The woman had studied him long enough to master full control over him. White Rabbit could still see that little boy in that grown man that he had grown up to become. He was a young child who still didn’t know what he wanted to her. He was a young child who didn’t know which side was lying or telling the truth. White Rabbit missed the glory days with him. He was the best lover that she had ever had. She wanted him back in bed with her that second. But where would the fun be in that? Cutting to the chase, would just kill everything that she was planning for him. White Rabbit decided to play him a little bit longer before she had her way with him again.
“Uh-huh,” she replied. Then, the woman slowly rose to her feet and walked up to him. Leon’s heart raced wildly in his chest. She still had control over him. He didn’t want to admit, but he was beginning to get excited. White Rabbit was just inches from his lips. Leon couldn’t move at all because of her hot breath upon his lips. She looked as if she was going to kiss him.
“Leon,” the woman whispered to him. “You know that you can ask me for anything at anytime. I am always happy to help you.” Leon’s heart raced even faster.
“Uh… thank… you…” he said at last. White Rabbit was almost going to kiss him, but she pulled away. Leon was just left there hanging desperately. His mistress backed away smiling.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” she said. “Not now anyway!” The deity just stared at her blankly. White Rabbit just smiled at him wickedly.
“Good night now, lover,” she told him. “Your friend is waiting for you now!” Then she went ahead of him back to the office. Leon just stared behind her confused. “What just happened?” he thought as he blankly stared at his former-current mistress.
“Well come on!” a voice called out to him. The deity looked up confused. White Rabbit was standing at the doorway waiting for him.
“Keep moving,” she ordered. “Unless you want you want Ella to get suspicion of us!” Then the woman headed right out the door. Leon shook his head as he snapped out of it and followed after her quickly.