Taboo Angel:

Simone’s Notes:

Eli Coleman proposed:

Involves recurrent and intense normophilic/nonparaphilic sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, and behaviors that cause clinically significant distress in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning; and is not due simply to another medical condition, substance use disorder, or a developmental disorder.

Goodman proposed:

A maladaptive pattern of behavior, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the following, occurring at any time in the same 12-month period:

Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:

A need for markedly increased amount or intensity of the behavior to achieve the desired effect

Markedly diminished effect with continued involvement in the behavior at the same level or intensity

Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:

Characteristic psychophysiological withdrawal syndrome of physiologically described changes and/or psychologically described changes upon discontinuation of the behavior

The same {or a closely related) behavior is engaged in to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms

The behavior is often engaged in over a longer period, in greater quantity, or at a higher intensity than was intended

There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control the behavior

A great deal of time spent in activities necessary to prepare for the behavior, to engage in the behavior, or to recover from its effects

Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of the behavior

The behavior continues despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the behavior

While Edward watched on bitterly at Rebecca and Alex, his mind was on Derdra. He missed his holy goddess so much again. A strong sense of guilt came over him again. The alchemist began to reflect on the days he was with Derdra again. He had told her everything that he was going to do to Rebecca. She could’ve turned him into the police. But she didn’t. The nurse just stayed by his side until he left her. He just couldn’t understand it. Derdra wasn’t stupid at all. She just had high faith in him. Maybe it was too high at times. But, that wasn’t the problem. The conflict in question here was him.

Edward had gotten very corrupt over the past year. His hands were covered in blood. There was so much blood on his hands that he couldn’t wash it away if he tried. Thousands of lives were lost because of him. There was no choice but to fess up now: Edward was now an addict. All of the Fallen ones were addicts. They were addicted to sex, blood, drugs, and violence. They couldn’t help it. They were just all sick. Even Miami was terminally ill of addict. There was no cure for her at all.

Edward knew that he was sick. Derdra knew it too. But, she didn’t run away from him. The nurse was scared of him of course. But she didn’t really express her fears to him at all. It wasn’t really clear why at first glance. But they both knew the real reason why. Edward couldn’t raise a hand to hurt her if he wanted to. There was something in him that wouldn’t let him place any act of harm upon this angel. Derdra felt safe with him in a sick and strange way. The alchemist always protected her from the other Fallen Ones. She had to stay pure for his sake. He did everything in his power to keep it that way. That even meant battling his own urges to attack his beloved nurse. That used to be the easiest thing in the world. But now, his urges were getting stronger and stronger it was only a matter of time before he would succumb to his dark desires for the nurse. In fact, he was waiting for that moment in bitter anticipation.

However, he tried to put a stop to that before it even happens. Edward tried to make Derdra promise that she would kill him if he even tried to attack her. The nurse was surprised at first. But then, she said that she would worry about that when they came to that moment. But that was the problem itself. Edward didn’t want it to come to that point in the first place. But that was becoming inevitable. The monster inside of him was just hungry for more. Hookers and loose women weren’t enough anymore. It had to have more.

Enter Alex Shepherd. He was such an innocent piece of fresh meat. In fact, he was the favor of the decade. All of the incubi and succubi wanted him. However, there was one obstacle standing in there way right now. Rebecca Cho was his first girlfriend. The monsters didn’t like this at all. They were jealous of each other already. Someone from the outside just ruins everything. But, what to do? How to fix the Rebecca problem at hand? Only the best way that they could. Rebecca would have to die.

That was where the problem was for Edward Elric. He went to Derdra for redemption for his future sin. She forgave him for his thoughts, but here he was going to act out his vile plan. Try as he like to avoid it, this mission had become inevitable. There was no way to avoid it now. This mission had to be carried out or he would lose his mind in the end. Under the normal circumstances, Edward wouldn’t care about the victim or any morale behind deeds like this. But after talking to Derdra, Edward didn’t really want to do this in his heart of hearts anymore. But he knew that this feeling of guilt and remorse wasn’t going to last too long. This feeling he always had came and went randomly. Sure, he had that feeling from time to time. But this was just different from the times before.

All of this thinking made Edward about what he was now? Was he being evil? Had he become truly evil over the past year? Was it too late for him to change now? Was his soul damned for Hell and unsalvageable now? Not in Derdra’s eyes. She just saw as sick and damaged. Yeah, that’s what he was. Sick and damaged. But could he ever be fixed again? Derdra seems to think so. Edward used to be so sure. But now, he didn’t seem to know anymore. The path had become mingled and completely fogged over for him.

“So how are we going to kill the little tramp?” Dr. Pierce asked the alchemist. Edward looked up at him quickly from his thoughts. The good doctor was waiting for a reply. The incubus alchemist stared at him blankly for a long moment.

“Huh?” he asked. Dr. Pierce looked at him again.

“How are we going to kill Rebecca so we can have Alex all to ourselves?” he asked again. That took a moment for the question to sink into his head. But, he got it loud and clear.

“Oh,” Edward to him at last. “Don’t worry about that, I’ve got it planned out already.” The good doctor was looking at him oddly.

“You feeling okay?” he asked. Edward nodded at him quickly.

“Yes!” he said. “I’m fine. Why?” The good doctor shrugged at him indifferently.

“No reason,” he said. “You just seemed to have a lot on your mind.” Edward just shook his head at him. The incubus nodded a bit.

“So what if I do?” he asked. Dr. Pierce looked at him sternly.

“I don’t care what you think about,” he replied. “Just as long as you don’t get distracted from the task at hand, okay?” Edward nodded at him sharply.

“Yeah!” he said. “I understand perfectly!” Dr. Perce nodded back at him. Then, they turned back to watching their target. Right then, something within Edward changed. The guilty cloud had silently and gently passed over him. He suddenly began to hate Rebecca for dating Alex all over again. She had to be removed from the picture. The girl’s life was now on numbered days. This fatal mission had to be carried out or he would be driven into utter insanity if she was still alive in the end. Edward lowered in his semi-shame. “I’m so sorry, Derdra!” he thought to his goddess. “But I have to do this sin for my sake!” He would really now some forgiveness after this one. He could feel it already.