A month had passed. Things for Mark and Aki became ever smoother. They stayed friends. (What? Did you actually think they were going to get together? If that happened, it would be bai-bai to the story!) Spud, Sick Boy, and Begbie came by to visit time after time. But soon, the “couple” would have yet another visitor!
It all started with an e-mail. Aki was typing on her laptop when the computer chibi bunny popped with an envelope in its hands. “Mail! Mail! Mail! Mail!!!” it screamed repeatedly. Aki rolled her eyes in annoyance. “My sister again!” she thought as she sighed. Ignoring the bunny was never option. It would just keep popping up and squawking at you until you clicked on it. Aki didn’t have much of a choice. She clicked on the bunny. But to her surprise, it was from her sister, but it was the baby of the family. Here is the message:
HI!!!!!! It’s me, Natsu! I did it! I finally talked Haru into letting come here! I’m going to be a student at Tokyo-Zion Academy!!! See you on Monday! Love ya!
Aki sat back in relief. “It’s only Natsu!” she thought. Then, another scary thought came to her. “This will also be Haru around here!” But outweighing the bad, Aki was glad to have Natsu along. Now to spread the good news!
Aki rolled her chair out of her room. “MARK!!!!” she cried out in the hall. “I HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS!!!” Her roommate stirred from his room. He found Aki sitting in her black rolling chair grinning. “What’s the good news?” he asked. His “girlfriend” kept grinning. “My sister is coming!” she exclaimed. Mark went pale. “You mean…” he began. The journalist shook her head sweetly. “Not her. My kid one.” she replied. Mark paused and thought about that for a moment. “Oh!” he said. “When?” “Monday.” his “girlfriend” replied. Mark paused again. “That’s tomorrow!” he called aloud. “Yep.” Aki said. A long pause came and went. “But doesn’t that mean Haru will be swooping be here just to check on her?” Mark asked. “Yeah.” Aki answered with a shudder. But froze for a moment to be afraid. But that was short-lived! “Who cares?” Mark called aloud. “We’ll rise above it!!!” Aki responded. “YEAH!!!!” they both said.
Monday came in a flash. The “couple” waited in anticipation for the younger sister near the main gate. Finally, the city bus pulled up. The excitement was almost unbearable. The crowd of new students flooded off of the bus. The “couple” kept watching. At long last, a girl about sixteen stepped off of the bus. Mark was in utter shock. She looked just like Aki, only smaller! It was unbelievable. Aki waved her arm around like a maniac. “HEY NATSU!!!!” she screamed. “I’M OVER HERE!!!!” The girl looked around to see who was calling her. She saw her older sister’s arm waving in the arms. The girl pushed her way through the crowd. “Hi Natsu.” Aki said when her baby sister made it to them. “Hel-lo!” the girl chirped. She turned to Mark. “And who is this?” she asked with a hint of mischief. Aki began slightly turning pink. “Uh… he’s my boyfriend…” she mumbled. “What?” Natsu asked innocently. “He’s my boyfriend.” Aki repeated softly. “I still can’t hear you.” Natsu lied sweetly. “HE’S MY F*****G BOYFRIEND, YOU STUPID LITTLE DEAF BITCH!!!!” her older sister screamed out. The younger one just giggled. Mark looked away as if he didn’t know them. Aki was just red all over!
Natsu felt at home in the “couple’s” dorm. Aki was making more tea and Mark sat with the girl. “So,” the older sister said. “What dorm house are you staying in?” “Kame.” Natsu answered cheerfully. “I see.” her sister replied. “Yep.” Natsu said. “How did you get Haru to let you come here?” Mark asked out of curiosity. “Begging and pleading. Plus, showing her the stats here.” the young girl answered. “So basically, what I did last month.” Aki summed up. “Yep!” Natsu chirped. All three went quiet.
Aki opened the cabinets above her head to get out more green tea. She found that the tea box was empty. “Oh shit.” she said softly. Mark and Natsu turned to her. “What’s wrong?” Mark asked. “I realized that I’m out of tea.” his “girlfriend” answered. Then she headed near the closet and got her jacket. “I’m going down to the student market to buy even more.” she reported. Mark looked at her as if she was crazy. “We are allowed to go off campus now, you know.” he pointed out. “Yeah, but tea is cheaper in the student market.” she replied. “Okay…” Mark said untrusting. “Right.” Aki said. “I’ll be back.” Then, she headed straight out the door.
Mark turned back to Natsu, whom he noticed was staring at him as if he was a rare creature. The guy suddenly felt nervous. “What?” he asked. Natsu began giggling. Now, man was really confused. “What?” he asked again. Natsu stopped laughing and turned to him. “Tell the truth,” she said at last. “You two aren’t really dating, are you?” Mark froze up right on the spot. “What do you mean?” he asked, acting as if he was innocent. Natsu kept staring at him. “You’re not really dating my sister, are you?” she asked again. “I mean come on now, I know Aki. She just wouldn’t throw herself to any man. It usually takes month for her to be interested in anyone! So therefore, I believe you are faking your relationship.” Mark felt trapped. “What to do? What to do?” he thought in hidden panic.
But then, Natsu smiled. “Don’t worry,” she said tenderly. “I won’t told a soul.” Mark relaxed, but only a little bit. Yep, this girl was definitely Aki’s younger sister. He just couldn’t figure either one of them out!