IX: Desperation:
Rough Riding:
Simone’s Notes:
What is rough sex? It is sex where the partners bite, scratch, hit, kick, choke, name-call, and do any other act of violence on each other while having sex. It could be used during foreplay. It can enhance the sex itself. Rough sex is part of a fetish. S&M uses plenty of rough sex in its ritual. Some men like it; others do not. It all depends on the preference.
Edward came in his suite room the next morning. The boy had made it. Winry wasn’t up yet to see him yet and he had his alibi ready in case she saw him before he fully healed. He was tired and wore out, but happy. He had a rough night with another hooker. The bite marks, bruises, hand prints, and scratches all over his body told it all. The only thing the alchemist wanted now was some sleep. The dragon in Ed’s soul was gladly full. It was worth every moment of it. [Oh shut up!] But, wait! How did they get this way? Well, let’s look back!
*Last Night*
Edward was roaming around the Red Light District again. He was hungry in a sexual way. Winry said that was too tired from having sex four times in the same day. Ed didn’t want to here that. The boy wanted more. His girlfriend was actually letting him bang her for once in weeks and he was determined to get in as many screws as possible before she went frigate again. “Come on,” he encouraged in desperate need. “I’m not tired! Please give me more Winry! I beg of you!” “No!” his girlfriend yelled. “Pleaseee!” Ed replied sweetly as he grabbed onto her arm. “You were great! I just want another hit!” He tried to turn her over so that she was facing him on her back. “Let go of me!” she yelled out. Then, the blonde mechanic hit him off of the bed and lied back down. That hit only turned Edward on even more. He slowly rose to his feet staring at her lustfully. The alchemist slowly crept over to her. “And don’t even think about trying to screw me while I’m sleeping!” Winry yelled out. “Alright.” Edward said in defeat. Then, he turned to leave. “And don’t go to any brothel houses!” his girlfriend called out to him. “You know that Night Slayer woman is on the loose!” “Damn!” Edward mumbled to himself. “I mean it!” his girlfriend said strongly as she kept her back turned to him. “I want you to come back alive and in one piece!” “I won’t!” the boy lied. Then, he went out of the suite.
So now, Edward was looking the Red Light District for a place to get out some of that pent up lust so he could sleep again. The lights were so bright tonight. He passed many of his “fans” blowing kisses and winking at him. You’re famous here, you know! [Shut it!] Ed felt giddy tonight. This was where he belonged. The Red Light District was his kingdom and he was a king here! So what if the Night Slayer was on the loose in these great palaces? He would just be extra careful. The boy began looking around again. There were so many brothels and strip clubs. All of them had perfect girls for him to play with. But where could he start? Well, what was he in the mood for? A hand job? That wasn’t enough. Blow job? That was what he did last night. Okay! It’s time for something new! [Yeah, but where can I go? I’ve been to almost every brothel, tea house, and pleasure quarter on this street!] So? Then, just keep looking! [Okay! Okay! Just shut up, would yet?] Then, Ed continued on with his journey to satiate his sexual appetite for the night.
The alchemist was about to give up when he came to a new-looking brothel. He hadn’t seen this one before. It was black as night and barely lit. Stella’s Playpen was its name. The banner was in a devilish black and red. Chains hung in the front window. Stiletto boots stood under it proudly. Blackish-red tapestry was in front of the door. The brothel breathed out a highly sexual energy to anyone that passed by it. He didn’t know what it was, but Ed found himself attracted to this building. The alchemist began walking towards it like a moth to fire. Suddenly, he wanted to go in! “I haven’t been to this one before!” he thought. Well, what’s holding you back? Go in, already! [Right!] Then, Edward straightened up and headed inside.
Inside was just as sexy. Black and red was all around the lobby. Pictures of women dressed in leather were all over the walls. The floor was a beautiful hard wood. Chains and whips were on the wall as well. Black silk cloth completely covered the otherwise bland ceiling. The only lights on were the moonlight coming through the small windows high above the building. They seemed to add onto the controlling effect it was giving off. A small black couch stood against the back wall. S&M porn mags were scattered all over the floor and floor-level glass coffee table. Some of them looked soaking wet. The lobby had a dungeon theme to it. Edward hurried to the desk in excitement. This whole thing was new to him. This was what he wanted after all. He quickly rang the desk bell. “Coming!” a woman yelled out. The boy waited patiently. His heart raced in joy. The dragon was preparing to eat. Ed took another look around this sexual dungeon. He noticed a list on the wall over the small black couch. Curious, the alchemist walked over it and began reading. It was a list of discipline. These when the names of all of the men (and women) that had been here and taken the most. The highest number on the list was twenty-eight. Edward smirked to himself. “I can beat that!” he thought.
“Do you like our list?” a voice asked behind him. The alchemist quickly turned around. A woman about twenty years old stood behind him smiling. She was dressed in a red leather mini-dress that showed all of her legs and modeled off her juicy curves. The owner’s busts looked like they were going to pop out any second. Her hair was back in a blackish blond ponytail. She was a small little thing to stare at. Edward couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Time to make a great impression! Turn up your ego that way she gives you the best! “Yes!” he answered proudly. “In fact, I’m going to beat the top of the list!” The owner smiled as she raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh really?” she challenged. Edward stepped forward. “Hell yeah!” he replied. “Give me your best!” Then, the alchemist pulled out a big wad of money from his pocket and handed to right to her right. The owner smiled at him wickedly. “As you wish sir,” she replied. Then, she reached into her corset-style top and pulled out the key. The mistress dropped it straight into his hand. “Room 180!” she replied. The alchemist grinned. “Excellent!” he called. “Have a good night, mistress!” Then, he headed down the hall.
Edward finally came to the room he was supposed to be in. His heart raced wildly. “Well,” the boy thought. “Here goes!” Then, Ed put the key in the lock and slowly unlocked the door. He then pushed it open in the same manner. Inside was black and red all over just like the lobby. Erotic pictures of lesbians were all over the walls. Small red lamps were on dimly on the hard wood floor. The ceiling was covered in red silk sheets. The curtains were thick and red to keep out the lusty city from clashing with the inside. Whips, chains, and other erotic torture devices were everywhere. Ed had a grin up to his ears about everything in the room. His rod was aching for a womanhood to be in. The dragon in his soul was ready to eat!
“So you must be the famous Ed Elric!” a voice spoke up. The alchemist quickly looked up and turned to the bed. The lady of the night was sitting on the bed smiling devilishly at him. She had lovely red hair tied back into two mini-buns. Her make-up was perfectly done. The hooker was dressed in a black leather corset and a matching leather mini-skirt. The fishnet stocking, black satin collar, and stiletto heels completed her looks. She looked let she was ready to kill. Edward grinned at her lustfully. “Why yes I am, mistress!” he replied. The lady of the night rose to her feet and walked over to her “pet.” “Be ready to play very rough and very dirty!” she whispered in his ear. That little sentence when Ed’s rod even harder. “Oh yes!” he thought. “I sure will!”
First, the hooker kissed him. The alchemist kissed back. That was the set up for the rough “playing.” The girl slowly slid off Edward’s jacket as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Once that was off, she grabbed onto his left arm so tightly that her nails began to sink into his flesh. The alchemist yelped out her mouth in pain and pleasure. Then, he bit her on the tongue. That really fired things up! The girl pushed her client up against a wall violently. She then ripped off his shirt in a rush. Ed was really enjoying himself. “Why can’t Winry be like this more often?” he thought. The hooker then kneed him in the stomach harshly. The alchemist yelped in pain against before biting her tongue again. Then, he began to work off her corset. She kept scratching his back roughly. Ed finally kneed her in the thigh before continuing on.
Once Edward got the hooker’s top off, he roughly pushed her back onto the black silk-sheeted bed. He would’ve mounted her successfully if she hadn’t pushed him off to the hard floor with all of her might. The alchemist looked at her lustfully pleading. The girl looked at him tenderly. “I’m not done yet!” she seemed to say. Ed grinned at her deliciously. Then, the hooker jumped on him like a cat to mouse. “Do your worst!” Edward commanded. The girl bit down hard onto his left shoulder in response. Her client yelled out in pain and pleasure. “Yes crazy bitch!!!” he screamed. Then, he kicked her harshly in the stomach. The girl screamed out in reply and quickly worked off his pants. Ed moaned out loud as her nails scratched down his right leg. He reached out and bit her many times on the shoulder. Ed then tore off the hooker’s skirt in a rush. He slapped her in the face with his right hand. His mistress spat in his face in respond! “You love this, don’t you, you dirty pig?” she yelled out. “YES BITCH!!!” Edward yelled out. “GIVE ME MORE!!!” Then he slapped her again. The dragon was really enjoying the whole violent. Yes! Keep my little slave! Screw her until your heart’s content! The beast became quieter and quieter by the second.
Before Edward could put it in, the hooker grabbed the whip and began flogging him where ever there was flesh in sight. “OH YES!!!” the alchemist yelled out. “Hit me as many times as you like!” The hooker grinned as she flooded him again and again until his skin was a deep red color. At long last after abuse, came the sex mixed with more abuse. The girl kept kicking, biting, hitting, and scratching her client while she thrust her hips back and forth. Her breasts kept bouncing around wildly. Unable to resist anymore, the alchemist began biting at her nipples wildly. “YES!!!” the hooker yelled. “BITE ME AGAIN!!!” “AS YOU WISH!!!” Ed yelled out. Then, the violent screwing went on throughout the whole night. At long last, they both came hard. “YES!!!!” Edward yelled out. The girl sat on him panting. “You have beaten the top record here!” she called out at last. “Really?” the alchemist asked in a tired voice. The girl nodded with a proud smile. Edward smiled back at her. “Great!” he whispered to her. Then, the hooker bit him on his left shoulder one time before lying down next to him. They both slept there on the floor.
Edward thought that he was in the clear when he heard someone yell out, “Edward!” The alchemist looked up nervously to see Winry standing before him. She looked pale with worry. “Oh my lord!” she cried out. “Ed! What happened to you?!?” She raced forward to hold him, but her boyfriend held out his arm. “Please, don’t touch me, Winry,” he replied. “I’m tired and sore! I just want to go to bed now!” Then, he lightly pushed her away and walked back to their bedroom. His girlfriend watched him do so.