Prince of Ice:
Simone’s Notes:
In Greek mythology, a satyr is one of a troop of ithyphallic male companions of
Dionysus with horse-like, equine, features, including a horse-tail, horse-like
ears, and sometimes a horse-like phallus because of permanent erection. Early
artistic representations sometimes include horse-like legs, but in 6th-century
BC black-figure pottery human legs are the most common. In Roman Mythology there
is a concept similar to satyrs, with goat-like features: the faun, being
half-man, half-goat. Greek-speaking Romans often used the Greek term saturos
when referring to the Latin faunus, and eventually syncretized the two. The
female "Satyresses" were a late invention of poets — that roamed the woods and
mountains. In myths they are often associated with pipe-playing.
Many ladies
can’t resist him
He knows that.
He already uses
it to his advantage
A new date every
Some are cute
Others are
It didn’t faze
They were all a
means to get by
His mother
understands that.
“You are so
handsome,” Manami said.
Asher knows it.
She kissed him
on the forehead.
“Make me proud.”
“I will.”
He smirked in
the mirror.
It’s so easy to
It almost bores
Asher wants a
understands him.
“What do you
want?” she asked.
“Fresh meat.”
She strokes his
“What kind?”
“I want a
Manami thinks
about this for a moment.
“I will see what
I can do.”
She gave him a
kiss on the lips.
Now, the spoiled
prince has his own pleasure palace.
His type of
strong-willed women need apply
He wants to
break them into his ideal pet.
His mother is
more than happy supply him.
Welcome to the House of Jealous Love