New Vibe
Three months passed.
Mark awoke to his cell phone ringing. He reached out of his bed for about three
minutes before he finally grabbed it.
“Hello?” he asked.
“Mark?” his
“girlfriend” asked on the other line. He jolted to sitting in his bed.
“Aki?” he asked. “Is
that you?”
“Oh damn! I haven’t
heard from you in so long. When are you coming back?”
“In a few hours.”
“I just got off the
train and I’m heading to the academy.”
“How is your nan?”
“Good. She made it
back home last night. Natsu will back coming back tomorrow.”
“Why isn’t she with
you now?”
“I left on my own. I
was getting bored.”
“Ah, I see.”
“I’ll be there about
three o’clock, okay?”
“Alright. See you
then.” Mark hung with a little smile on this face. Finally, life could resume a
little bit. Sure, Spud and Sick Boy were around, but that novelty had worn off
months ago. He needed somebody little more sane around him. Okay, Aki wasn’t his
first choice for that, but she would have to do.
However, when Aki
came home, Mark noticed her frowning and shaking her head.
“What’s the matter?”
he asked.
“No,” she said. “No good.”
Mark became confused. “What do you mean?”
His “girlfriend” sighed. “It’s just like it was at home.”
“Then why did you come back?”
She leaned against the doorframe. “It was boring at home there too.”
Mark tilted his head. “What are you talking about?” Aki buried her head in her
hands and groaned. She then lifted her head and sighed.
“This isn’t working,” she said. Aki finally made eye contact with her
“boyfriend”. “We need a change around here.”
Mark blinked. “Huh?” Aki headed straight to her room and closed the door.
“Aki?” Mark asked as he followed behind. “Aki? What the hell are you doing now?”
She finally opened the door and poked her head out.
need a new job,” she said.
“What?” he asked. This began a semester-long quest for a brand new vibe.