Missing Panties:
Simone’s Notes:
Promiscuity is the practice of making relatively casual and indiscriminate choices. The term is most commonly applied to sexual behavior, where it refers to a person who does not limit their sex life to the cultural norm, typically one partner, or to the framework of a long term monogamous sexual relationship. Because of the popularity of this usage, the remainder of this article discusses sexual promiscuity. People, who are called "promiscuous" under this usage, may in fact be quite selective in their choice of sexual partners. Promiscuity is discouraged by conservative modern day religions. However, some sects, cults, and religious orders have a place for promiscuous behavior. For example, there were special examples of religious prostitution in ancient Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome.
This misadventure started with Mustang’s talk with Mr. Toilet in Central Headquarters. He had drunk too much last night again. Hawkeye’s words still echoed in his head. The major general still couldn’t get over it. When he held up his hand again, Mustang’s eyes were bloodshot red. His head was spilling in pain. “Oh god!” he thought in misery. Then, the man threw up again. This is where the humiliation begins. When Mustang rose up his head again for air, something on the floor caught his eye. He looked and saw… some lace. “Huh?” the general thought. “Am I seeing things?” Roy looked in closer. It was just as he thought. He was looking right at some lace! The lace was light lilac and feminine. It was attached to black silk. Mustang blinked hard in shock. These were panties he was looking at. And not just any panties. These were panties of a lady’s! Mustang was now confused. This was the men’s bathroom! Then, Roy began to work out the whole equation. He sobered up quickly when he had the answer. “A woman had sex here last night!” he thought in shock. But who was it? Well, there was only one way to find out. Mustang carefully took the panties in his jacket and left the bathroom.
7:00 a.m.:
Life began. Everyone was busy as usual. The secretaries were working their usual shift. The men were hurrying in and out of the building with their work. Mustang waited to see if anyone would notice the panties pinned up on the bulletin board. So far, there was nothing. They were pinned up there like a new decoration. He soon began to have doubts on this plan. Then, French came in with the Maywillow kids. French was just as loud and strict as ever. Roy watched and waited. French had eyes like an eagle and would spot the lingerie hanging up on the spot. Mustang kept himself quiet. “If you don’t get on the ball and tell what happened to Kate,” she boomed out. “You’ll…” Then, the brigadier general turned to the bulletin board. “You’re going to tell me,” French spoke up. “Whose panties are these on the board?!?” Everyone looked right up at that question. Everyone saw that black and lilac panties pinned up on the board. The guys were all snickering like juvenile boys. The woman all shook their heads in shock. Alli looked sick. Nathan looked nervous. Right away, Mustang had the answer. If was so tempting to say something, but why bother?
“Come on!” Renee yelled out. “Whose panties are these?” Nathan wanted to disappear so badly. “Please let something break!” he thought. Then, a giggle broke out in the crowd. Everyone turned to Yumi. The heiress stood smiling. “Oh!” she called out. “My mistake! I left my panties out in public again! How can I be so stupid?” Then, she stepped forward and yanked them down. She walked away with the panties smiling. Alli breathed out in relief. Nathan relaxed silently. Mustang was witnessing the whole thing. He didn’t believe Yumi at all. Judging by Alli and Nathan’s faces, those were the general’s daughter’s panties. The major general began to suspect something between them. In any case, he really needed to talk to Nathan.
10:00 a.m.:
Nathan sat in Mustang’s office. The major looked very nervous. The major general walked by him and whispered that he needed to see him as soon as possible. Fear consumed Lee but he did not show it at all. “Maybe he just wants to talk!” he thought. The major tried to stay positive. Then, the door opened wide. Nathan began to freak out again. Mustang walked into the office and sat down at his desk. Lee tried his best to not look worried. Silence passed over them slowly. Nathan began to sweat slowly. “Lee,” the major general spoke up. “We need to talk!” The major began to panic in his head. “Listen sir,” he began. “What ever is the trouble, I can explain!” Roy raised his eyebrow at him. “How long have you been seeing General Beardsley’s daughter?” he asked. Lee looked very nervous. “Three years,” he mumbled. The major hung his head in shame. Roy looked at him in shock. “Three years?!?” he yelled out. Nathan nodded in guilt. A long pause came between the men. “And Beardsley doesn’t know about this?” Mustang asked at last. Lee shook his head. “You’re not going to tell him, are you?” the major pleaded. Roy frowned at him. “I have to report you!” he called. “Please, don’t sir!” Nathan begged. “Don’t tell on me! I’m in love with her and she loves me! Please don’t tell her father!” Mustang looked at him oddly. He clearly saw that Beardsley’s daughter wasn’t what she seemed. He needed to do more investigating on her. “I’ll keep quiet for the time being!” Roy snapped. Nathan grew happy at that response. “Thank you, sir!” he yelled out. Then he hugged Mustang wildly. *Sweat drop on Roy’s head* “Oh boy!” he thought. “This is going to be a pain in my ass!” The major general sighed again.
12:00 p.m.:
“Alli!” Yumi called out to the general’s daughter. The girl stopped in her tracks in the hall and slowly turned around. The young heiress was running up to the junior. “Yes?” Alli asked as she raised her eyebrow at Yumi. The heiress caught to her and panted hard. “Here!” she called. Then, the heiress handed back the general’s daughter’s underwear. Alli looked at her in great relief. “Thank you, Yumi!” she called out as she took the underwear away and stuffed into her black jacket. “I owe you one! You are such a doll!” The heiress rolled her eyes. “Pl-ease!” she called. “It’s not about you! I only did it to save a nice guy!” “O-kay…” Alli said in uneasy confusion. Then, she began to walk away. “Oh and Alli!” Yumi called out to her. The general’s daughter stopped and turned again. “What?” she asked. The heiress stood up straight. “Don’t turn to me for an alibi!” she barked. “I’m not your little clean-up dog!” Then, she walked away frowning. Alli just kept staring at her. “Okay, then…” she mumbled. Then, the girl walked away quickly.
And that was it! (For now, anyway!)