Love Slavery:
Simone’s Notes:
The Middle Assyrian Law Codes (1075 BC) state: If a man has intercourse with his brother-in-arms, they shall turn him into a eunuch. This is the earliest known law condemning the act of male to male intercourse in the military. The Lex Scantinia was written by the Romans. It includes laws restricting homosexual acts, but not banning the behavior. Utilizing male slaves as homosexual sex objects was not outlawed as long as the slave was on the receiving end. Most anti-sodomy laws in Western countries originated from a Judeo-Christian world-view established from the Bible. The Biblical book of Leviticus says: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them." The New Testament has been said to condemn Sodomy; the biblical book of Romans says, "Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen 26 for this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the women and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error" (Rom. 1:24-27). In England, Henry VIII introduced the first legislation under English criminal law against sodomy with the Buggery Act of 1533, making buggery punishable by hanging, a penalty not lifted until 1861.
The gates of the lusty Hell were ripped open wide in the next night. It all started with murder. Alex and Rebecca were coming back from another date. Tonight, the couple went out to the movies and have a bite to eat. Things were still going strong between them. The couple was still taking it slow. She didn’t push him into sex and Alex was okay with that. He just wanted to be with Rebecca always. Sadly, that was coming to an end tonight. The lamb walked his girlfriend up to the door of her apartment. He was seeing her in like he normally did. Rebecca turned around to him smiling.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come in?” she asked. Alex smiled at her sweetly.
“No, no,” he said. “I’m good. Besides, I don’t want to be tempted to do be bad tonight.” Rebecca looked at him playfully odd.
“You?” she asked. “But Alex Shepherd, you are a gentleman!” Her boyfriend just shrugged at her.
“I am a teenage boy,” he said shrugging as he joked with her.
“I know,” his girl said. “But I trust you that much!” Alex raised an eyebrow at her.
“Really now?” he asked. Rebecca kissed him on the lips. The lamb kissed her back happily. He held her close in his arms. That old sense of happiness returned to him. His love made him so happy. They didn’t have to go all the way to be happy. Just little pieces of affection would do just fine. He had been all the way and suffered so much from it. No, going slow was the best thing for him right now. The couple broke off the kiss slowly. Rebecca smiled at him.
“Okay then,” she said. “Good night.”
“Night,” Alex said with a smile. They shared a kiss together for the night. Then, Rebecca slipped out of his grip and walked over to her apartment. Before going in, she turned and blew a kiss at him. Alex blew her a kiss at her as well. But then, a dead body fell right on top of Rebecca and crushed her to death. The lamb cried out in fear. He ran straight over to her.
“Becky!” he cried out as he shook on her. “Becky! Becky!” It was no use, she was dead already. Alex had just lost the love of his life. He knew this would happen, but yet tried his best to ignore this nagging fact. Now look what happened to her. And all because she got involved with him romantically. Could things get any worse from here?
Moments later, the military was all over the case. However, there attention was focused on the woman that was thrown from the building. Rebecca to them was just damage control from a body dump. Brandon was knelt over the dead woman’s body. He looked up at the boys.
“No id on her,” Floyd said. “I’d say she’s been dead for over three hours.” Hughes looked at the woman for himself. He noticed her perfectly manicured nails.
“High-class prostitute, maybe?” he asked.
“Nah,” said David. “She doesn’t look the part.”
“Maybe she was starting for the night,” Hughes added.
“Could be,” said David. Then, a sickening idea hit them all.
“You don’t think she’s the victim of one of those incubi?” Brandon asked. All of the men froze in fear. If that was the case, this would be another victim in their forever-growing incubus murders. They were in over their heads already.
“Did you get anything from Alex?” Brandon asked changing the subject.
“Not much,” Hughes said. “He just said that he was seeing Rebecca go home like he normally did on their dates and then… boom. This woman fell right on top of the girl.”
“Poor boy,” Price said. “He had just fun a new girlfriend only to have her killed.”
“Yeah,” Hughes said. All of the men paused in pity for a moment. Then, they all looked up when they heard footsteps running towards them. Lt. Gen. Mustang and Captain Hawkeye-Riis were rushing towards them. The other dogs were wondering if Riza should really be out here since she was three months pregnant now. Hughes looked her up and down.
“Captain,” he said. “I was expecting Lt. Havoc out here with Mustang. What are you doing here? You’re pregnant, you should be home tonight.”
“Everyone is backed up on a case tonight,” she said. “I was a last minute replacement.”
“Ah, I see!” Hughes said. Mustang looked at the body.
“So what all do you have so far?” he asked. Brandon looked at him with a serious face.
“DB is a woman possibly a high-class prostitute or a kept woman,” he began. “Late twenties looks to have been strangled first. This was just a body dump gone wrong. We’ll learn more once we get the autopsy.”
“Fair enough,” Roy said. Then, Hawkeye-Riis nearly fell backwards nauseated. Hughes and David rushed over to help her.
“Captain!” they both called out.
“I’m fine,” she said. The boys were not convinced.
“Look,” Roy said. “I’m sorry for making you come out here. Go home and rest, that is an order.” Riza looked at him unconvinced. She wanted to argue back, but that would be pointless. The captain nodded at him. The boys helped her right to her feet.
“Yes sir,” she said.
“Good,” Mustang said. Then, he turned to David and Maes.
“Price, Hughes!” he said. “Take Hawkeye-Riis back to Central Headquarters!” The men saluted at him in silence. Riza slightly glared at him. “I’m not a baby!” she thought. “I can take care of myself!” But she kept quiet for the moment to humor her boss. The three dogs walked to car and got in. Mustang saw them off in silence. This case just got harder without of his top players. Still, work had to be done. Anything to stop the attacks of the Fallen Ones.
Manami watched from above on the apartment roof. The drama was unfolding again. The pieces were all in the right places now. It was time to strike. “Now it’s time to water the garden!” she thought. The fallen princess opened a bottle of French red wine and poured all over the dust at her feet. Little blood red petals bloomed in small explosions. Manami scooped them all up into her lovely arms and blew them out onto the city. The petals all broke back into dust and rained down upon everyone. The fallen princess watched in delight. “Now to tend to the garden,” she thought. Then, Manami left the roof into the night.
The night was really worked about the dead woman. It was part of the bigger plan really. Distract the military while they build up for the dark winter. Meanwhile, the military was hitting some “leads” with the “murder.” Mustang made it over to Mike and David in one of the offices.
“Tell me we have something!” he said. Mike turned to him smiling.
“It’s your lucky day!” he said. “We got a hit by her dental records.” Mustang’s eyes grew in shock. He hurried over to the computer. The Lt. Gen. read the information for himself. The victim’s name was Momo Genji. She was twenty-nine years with an estranged husband. But that wasn’t all.
“Autopsy reports that she had no blood in her body at the time of death,” David added one. “Plus there is evidence that she had sex prior to death.” Mustang turned to him at those words.
“Rape?” he asked.
“No,” David said. “It was all consensual. But, the strangulation was not.” Mustang thought about that for a moment. This was starting to make a little sense.
“S&M play gone wrong?” he asked.
“Could be,” David went on. “But the strangulation was post-mortem.” Roy looked at him confused. He really wasn’t expecting that one!
“Okay…” he said uneasily. “Why would an incubus drink the victim’s blood, strangle her, and then dump the body? Why put yourself through the trouble?”
“Maybe they have gotten more aggressive.” Mike suggested. The other two men looked at him. That was never a good thing to hear. That would mean it was time to pull this case up to the tippy top and play beat the clock before more people ended up dead.
Alex walked to school alone in silence. He woke up this morning hoping that last night was just a really bad dream. When he heard that Rebecca’s death was an accident her just refused to believe it. He knew in his heart of hearts that her death was no accident. Rebecca was murdered by the fallen ones. But yet, the lamb had no proof. He was the only eye witness and an eye witness’ testimony was really accurate due to the shock of witnessing the crime. Plus, the fallen ones would find a way to make sure that he would stay quiet. So, the lamb was just stuck with a terrible secret. However, he didn’t want to be that way anymore. He wanted to be free of secrets and live his life like he did when Rebecca was alive. Sure, her murder was a setback. But, Alex had to keep going in order to keep making progress. He couldn’t let his fears run his life forever. However, that progress would come to a grinding halt again.
Alex was about to walk into the city when he felt someone pushing his body into a cement brick wall. The boy gasped out in pain. He looked out of the corner of his eye behind him. Edward was pinning him against the wall as if he was arresting the poor boy. The incubus alchemist was smirking at him coldly. Fear quickly filled the lamb’s heart. “Oh no!” he thought. “They’ve found me!” The monster licked his lips coldly.
“Oh yes, Little Alex!” he hissed. “We have found you!” Alex’s eyes grew wide in fear.
“You weren’t going to tell the military mutts what really happened, are you?” Edward hissed in his ear. The lamb shut his eyes tightly.
“NO!” he cried out. “I won’t tell a soul!” Edward smirked at him again.
“You promise?” he asked.
“YES!!!” Alex screamed. The alchemist slammed the lamb against the wall again. The lamb whimpered out in pain. His owner smiled in satisfaction. He was aroused by Little Alex being in pain. He wanted to take him right now. But why rush? There would be plenty of time for that later. Edward sank his right hand deeper into his back. Alex was trying his best not to scream out in pain. Ed smiled at the increasing pain his was causing his favorite pet.
“Good!” he hissed. Then he let go of Alex and disappeared into the morning. The lamb turned and looked around. He was alone now. Still, he was now scared out of his mind. This moment started the undoing of weeks of steady progress.
Alex wasn’t the only one caught in a bad situation. Damon had just told Carol about his affair with Ginny. Like usual, she forgave him because she him as sick. But, it just wasn’t satisfying this time as if had been in the past. Damon knew that he had to change. If this kept up he would drag Carol through another Hell of lies, lust, and betrayal. He just didn’t have the strength to put them through that again. There was only one way to fix this mess.. He had to leave his family and try to heal on his own. So, Damon packed up his things and kissed Micah goodbye in bed. He made it out to the living when he was stopped in his tracks.
“Where are you going?” a voice asked him. The col. froze in his tracks. He turned to see Carol sitting on the couch looking at him. She had that calm and innocent look on her face as usual. Damon looked at her hurt. He suddenly felt so guilty for doing this to her. She and Micah didn’t deserve this extreme course of action. But it was better than playing around on her once again. So, Damon toughed up and began to deliver the news to his loving wife.
“Carol,” he said. “I am leaving you.” He waited for her reaction. It took seconds for the message to sink in. When it did, Carol looked as if she was going to cry.
“What?” she asked in a small hurt voice. Her tone was trembling in misery. Her husband drew in a deep breath and pushed himself to go on.
“Carol,” he said. “I’ve hurt you one too many times. This last time made me realize that. Sure, you forgive me too easily. But, that doesn’t really work anymore. I’m not getting better like I did the first time. If I am going to self-destruct, I don’t want to take you and Micah down with me. It’s better this way. I have nothing to gain or lose on my own. So, I have to leave you until I get better again. I love you, but I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I don’t have the stomach to do so anymore.” Tears had escaped from Carol’s eyes now.
“No Damon!” she pleaded. “You don’t have to do this! You can stay and I’ll help you like I have done in the past.” Her husband shook his head.
“It doesn’t work that way,” he explained. “We both are too weak to fight this battle now. I have to leave in order to fix myself. I’m sorry.” Carol leapt forward and hugged Damon tightly. She sobbed against his chest. Her whole world was going up in smoke right before her very eyes.
“No!” she whimpered. “Don’t go! It doesn’t have to be this way!” Her husband hugged her and stroked her long red hair. He kissed her on top of her head.
“I have to go,” he whispered. “Maybe one day, I’ll return. But right, I have to fix myself. Goodbye, Moki.” He kissed her on the head again and pushed her away. Carol stared at him with tears in her eyes. Damon shook his head to resist her sorrow and turned away. He walked out the door and closed it behind him. Carol fell on the ground sobbing. The love of his life was gone because of his mistakes. He had given up in her eyes. There was no way to save him now. Carol just lied on the floor crying over her lost.