Little Monster:
Simone’s Notes:
Addiction is like a monster in our souls. It keeps eating and eating. Its brain doesn’t have the signal to tell it, “Okay stop, you’re full now!” The monster wants more and more food to feed its endless hunger. But where does it end? When its host has nothing to loose anymore? When its host is disgraced and isolated? When its host is near death? But all is not lost. There is a way to beat the monster.
Today was New Year’s Eve. Everyone was busy preparing for the New Year. Winry and Edward still weren’t talking. She was even planning on moving out of the apartment that she shared with him. The alchemist was running out of ideas to get his girlfriend to stay with him. He had given up on trying getting her to trust him again. “At least stay with me through New Year’s!” Edward pleaded. “No!” Winry called as she was packing up “But why not?” her possible ex-boyfriend asked. Winry turned to him with a serious. “Because,” she said strongly. “I’m going out with the girls on the town!” Ed looked at her confused. “What?” he asked. “I thought you didn’t like partying with Shannon, Mel, and them!” The blonde mechanic kept staring at him. “I don’t!” she barked. “But anything to get away from you right now! You aren’t my friend at the moment!” Edward sat back in silent shock. “Now!” his maybe-ex-girlfriend called. “I will be back later! Try to behave until then!” The alchemist just nodded at her in defeat. “Good!” Winry called out. Then she headed right out the door.
Edward lied back onto their bed. He stared up at the ceiling. The problems were rising higher and higher every single second. How was he going to get out of this mess now? Winry seemed to have lost faith in him. She had even packed up her things and had them near the door. For all he knew, she could have another man on the side. What she left him for the other man? A scary thought came to the alchemist’s head. Maybe she was right; he was a lost cause after all. He was surely screwed now. Could things get any worse than they were now? Was there any hope to getting him back to the right path? If so, how? All of the questions were making the boy drowsy. He was slowly falling asleep for the first time. But it wasn’t going to be any sweet dreams. In fact, Edward was in for a rude awakening.
[Nightmare begins]
Edward woke up back in the dungeon. It looked the same as before. Everything was just as it was the first time he saw this place. The only difference was the place had gotten darker and seemed much colder. Ed smirked to himself in an ironic way. The alchemist laughed to himself coldly in misery. “Oh buddy!” he thought. “Here it goes again! I’ll same my little ‘friend’ soon! This is all just some sick joke that just won’t let up on me at all!” But soon, the sarcasm was dead. Something was breathing heavily behind him. Edward froze and slowly looked up. He was the dark bars shaking like a chained fence on a heavy windy day. The dead silence got even heavier and longer all around. Ed stood there feeling pale and weak. Sure, he wasn’t afraid of much, but this was different. This was the same fear that ate him when he saw the dragon, Little Iris, and Mya. He couldn’t explain it, but it was taking over his mind and not letting up. Part of him didn’t want to wait and stick around for what was coming. But yet… he just couldn’t move. It was as if the feeling in his legs was gone. All the boy could do was stand there and wait for the worst. He could tell this was going to be Hell all over again. It was like going to the headmaster’s office for getting into trouble.
The heavy pounds of footsteps rang heavily in his ears. They shook the whole dungeon like an earthquake. Ed began as stiff as a board. Sweat broke out all over his body. He felt cold all over. The torches along the walls went out in the freezing air that was dropping onto the dungeon fast. Pitch blackness was everywhere. The dungeon was so cold now Edward’s breath could become an ice cloud. But yet, he was still sweating. The pounding footsteps grew heavier as they got closer and closer. Edward’s heart was thumping like a heavy bass drum. His eyes grew big in fear. His brain was telling him to run, but his feet were just stuck to the floor. Then, there it was! The one thing Edward had come to fear. Only… this was the dragon anymore! It had grown! This new monster was as black as coal on a blacked-out summer night. Its teeth were as long and sharp was a Japanese sword with what looked like to be blood stained right on them. The claws were just as long as his automail blades. The only thing that was as white and bright was its big headlight size eyes. The beast was breathing out hot air heavily. Ed was lost in complete fear. What was this thing?
The great eyes turned its eyes on its host. The alchemist kept staring at it like at moth with a huge flame. “WHAT?!?” the beast snapped in a low and raspy Satan-like voice. The host tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t form in his mouth. “What the matter?” the beast asked. “I got your tongue?” Edward shook his head hard in response. “Uh….” he began at last. “You’ve… changed!” The monster smiled at the boy slowly. “Why yes!” he called. “You like my new body?” Edward was dumbstruck. “B-But how?!?” he asked aloud. The monster grinned at him. “I grow every time I am fully fed!” he called. “When you slept with Ai-Oni that night, I grew into this body. Those succubi girls have been feeding me happily ever since!” Ed was now nervous with fear. The monster noticed its host’s face. “I don’t see why you’re looking at me like that!” it called in slightly mocking voice. “Nothing has really changed. You are my slave and you’re job is to keep feeding me with sex!” That shot anger into the boy’s heart. “I am not a slave!!!!” it yelled out. The monster looked at its host as if to say, “If I wasn’t in this cage, I would eat you up slowly and painfully!” Ed became quietly very quickly. “Okay,” he replied in a weak voice. “I am the slave!” The monster smiled showing its blood-covered teeth. “Too right you raised that, slave!” it called out. Edward just kept staring at it.
“But what are my relationship with Winry?” he asked. The monster just kept smiling at its host. “Oh well,” it called. “That’s not my problem! Sort it out for yourself!” “But how?” Ed asked. “Don’t ask me such stupid questions, boy!” the beast snapped. “I’m not responsible for your petty troubles!” Edward became angry again. “My petty troubles?!?” he barked. “You’re the one who created these problems for me! You’re the reason Winry’s planning to move out! She might even have another man because of…” The monster glared at him coldly again. Ed just went quiet again just as he was expected to. He really messed up now. “Because of what?” the great beast questioned. The alchemist was quiet for a long time. Usually, he would come up with a bold statement to fire back at whoever insulted him. But, this was under completely different circumstances. “Nothing,” Edward mumbled softly again. The monster smiled again. “That’s what I thought!” it called. The alchemist sat there in defeat. He just couldn’t win with this monster.
“I don’t get it!” Edward called out at last. “Get what?” the monster asked. Fullmetal tried to build up his courage. “Why are you here?” he asked. “Why me? Why are you here? What do you want from me?” The monster smiled at him again. “Do you really want to know?” it asked harshly. The boy nodded like a defenseless little child. The beast kept smiling at its host. “I like it here, thank you very much!” it called out proudly. “As for my purpose, you’ll learn that over time!” Then, the monster headed back deeper into his cage. Edward stood there shaken. “Wait!” he called out. “Where are you going?!?” The beast just smirked to itself. “That’s not the slave’s place to know!” it called out. Then, everything became cold and dark again.
[End of Nightmare]
Edward woke up in a cold sweat. Night had fallen now. The time was now twenty-seven minutes past the hour. The alchemist looked around slowly. The same cold and darkness was all around just as it was in the dungeon. Even though it was a nightmare, the whole was a harsh reality that he could never escape. This monster was feeding off of his sexual desires. It kept eating and eating and didn’t seem to stop. What was he going to do? The dragon was now a monster. It was now taking over him and his life. But what could he do? Sit back and watch as his life got ruined even more. Right! And let everything left around self-destruct and destroy him forever and ever? Keep on dreaming! Or stand up and fight back? But how? Edward shook his head hard. “I need to get out of hard!” he thought. “This room is destroying my sanity! I need to be out with my friends!” He paused for a moment. “Yeah, that’s it!” he thought. “I’ll go out to my friends!” Then, he got off of his bed and hurried out of his apartment for some New Year’s Eve fun.