Lily Seduction:
Simone’s Notes:
In the movie, Pink Floyd the Wall, Gerald Scarfe drew two flowers. One shaped like a man and the other shaped like a woman. They lightly caress each other at first. As the music goes on, the flowers make love and fight afterwards. In the end, the female bites the man’s head off and flies away. Even though the scene is short, it speaks a story as old as time. Male and woman fall in love, sleep together, fight, and the woman nine times out of ten ends up winning over the man. But only after the man attacks her first…
Daniel sat in Hughes’s office early Monday morning. He had come here for a little advice on women. The past week had been overwhelming. Madeline tried to be everywhere he was. She would wear tight revealing clothes to try and entice her male friend. Now, she was a nice woman and not bad to look at. He always treated her like a princess. When Madeline was down and out, she always turned to him to talk to. Dan paid for her lunches and dinners at restaurants. He always defended her from her past dates that would try and annoy them out of jealously. (That was becoming a minor problem for them both to handle!) They seemed to have a good relationship from the past three weeks. But, she seemed too hard try to get him into bed with her a little bitty too much. Dan seemed to be stuck. He wants to tell her to back off in a nice way but he doesn’t want to drive her away. (Maddie seems nice to have in company when she was sober and behaving like a true lady.) He probably would give her a chance if she would just try not to sleep with him so much. The man didn’t like rushing into a relationship so quickly. He had seen it so many times with his fellow north troops and they all ended horribly. (Don was the latest example of why rushing into bed is a bad thing.) Dan swore to himself that if he found the right girl, he would take things slow. So far, he was during pretty well.
Dan returned from his thoughts when the door opened. He looked up and saw Hughes walking into his office. The lieutenant colonel looked at the major in curiosity. Major Jackson wasn’t part of investigations and he wasn’t under his command either. Something had to be wrong. “Daniel?” he asked. “What are you doing here?” Dan sat up straighter. “Hughes,” he said aloud. “I have a problem!” Maes closed the door behind him in concern. “What’s wrong?” he asked. Daniel took in a deep breath. “I have slight woman trouble.” he replied. Hughes’s eyes lit up in joy. “Need me to get you a date?” he asked. “I can certainly get you a great wife!” Dan shook his head smiling. “It’s not that,” he answered. “Come in, I’ll explain everything.” Maes walked over to his desk and sat down in front of Daniel.
“Madeline, that’s the woman’s name,” Dan began. “Keeps trying to seduce me. It’s not that I don’t like her or anything. She is a nice woman. Maddie is very pretty too. I would try to take her out on a few dates, but she tries too hard to sleep with me. I might one day but I don’t want to rush into things.” Hughes listened closely in intent. “I see,” he said. “So you want to try and turn her down?” “Not necessarily.” Daniel spoke up. “I just want her to tone down with some of the flirting but not sound harsh about it.” “Sounds just like me with Angelica!” Maes thought. “Just calmly tell her to back off and why,” the lieutenant colonel said. The major looked at him with big eyes. “Do you really think she’ll understand?” he asked. Hughes just smiled at him. “It’s worth a try,” he replied. Dan smiled again. “Thank, Maes!” he said aloud. Then, the major rose to his feet and headed out the door. Hughes smiled to himself for helping out his fellow man. “Now if only I can get Roy a wife and get Angelica to stop trying to seduce me!” The man shuttered at the thought of Angie sitting on his lap again. He still hadn’t gotten that image out of his head. “And she wasn’t wearing any underwear either!” the lieutenant colonel thought in disgust. Suddenly, Hughes felt like he needed to take a bath!
Daniel stood outside of the Central building. He looked out and saw Madeline. She was running towards him in a happy rush. The major smiled to himself. “Right on time!” he thought. Maddie made it straight to him. She had sparkly green clips in her short red hair today. “Oh how cute!” Dan thought as he looked down on her. “Well, at least she’s not too revealing today!” Madeline kept smiling at her guy friend. “How do I look?” she asked. Daniel took a long look at her. Her dark blue skirt actually covered up her thighs for once and her black halter shirt was tight enough to show that she was a woman but loose enough to fit. Plus, she had support to her breasts today and no straps were in sight. Her toe nails were a light pink color today. “Great!” Daniel said quickly. Maddie smiled at him in joy. “I knew you would like it!” she exclaimed. “I tried so hard to look decent as you say to!” “Thanks!” Dan called. “So!” Maddie called. “Shall we go?” “Uh…” the major began. Maddie’s smile became brighter. “Great!” she called. Then, she grabbed Dan began the arm and began dragging him away in downtown. *Hug sweat drops forms on the major’s head* This was going to be harder than he thought.
The pair spent most of the day downtown. First, they went shopping just like they normally did on their qualities time days. Daniel paid for anything Madeline wanted as usual. She didn’t seem to want too much today. All the wanted was more hair clips and nail polish. Then, they went to the park. The major kept a close eye out for Madeline’s old “boyfriends.” The woman seemed to be with almost every man Amestris. He just couldn’t understand what the hell she saw in these men in the first place. He was tempted to ask but decided against it. That seemed too much of a delicate topic for her to talk about. Then, Dan took Maddie to a small café for lunch. It was a break from all of the expensive places they had been eating at. She didn’t complain too much. Madeline was just happy to be with her guy friend as usual. Even if the food was crappy, the woman was still happy to be out with a nice guy for a change. The major seemed to loosen up about the day. He didn’t seemed to try to escape from her as he did on a normal basis. Daniel was actually happy to out in public with Madeline for once. His friend didn’t try to get into his pants so much today. Plus, she didn’t try to drink herself stupid. Maddie was actually acting like a lady for once! This was just to good to be true! “I wonder how long that’s going to last!” Dan thought. He would just have to wait and see.
The day seemed to slip by beautifully. Daniel had never had so much fun in his life with Madeline before. Today seemed relax and easy for once. The best part for both of them was that not a single one of Madeline’s former flings showed up to harass the pair. With was good, because Daniel didn’t feel like trying to reason with any thugs today. He just wanted to have a peaceful day with Maddie and not feel pressured to do the deed with her. Everything seemed to go just perfectly for once in three weeks. But then, they came back to Maddie’s place when the night was slowly coming. It was late and Madeline begged him to go home with her. Daniel was reluctant to do so. But why bother going back to the base so late, anyway? It’s not like someone is going to see them together and suspect the worst! His friends knew him better than that! He was the second level headed of the bunch. What harm could it do?
Daniel and Madeline walked onto her porch. They sat down on the wicker bench. Maddie looked up at the stars. “The night is beautiful tonight!” she called out. “Uh-hm.” Daniel replied. Madeline smiled to herself. The elements were in the right place. Lovely starry night, romantic feeling in the air, the guy she more than love by her side. It was time to make a move. Maddie leaned in close to Dan. The major quickly noticed the change. “Uh-oh!” he thought. The man knew what was coming right away. Madeline quickly turned to him and kissed him wildly on the lips. She would’ve successfully pushed him down if Dan hadn’t held out his hand quickly and stopped her in a heartbeat. The woman looked up confused. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “You’re not gay or anything, are you?” “NO!!!” Daniel shouted out. Maddie kept staring at him trying to put the pieces together. “There, what is it?” she asked. The major sat up straight and tall. “Look,” he said. “Why do you keep trying to sleep with me? And why do you have so many boyfriend that are chasing after you for?”
At those questions, Madeline turned away and began to cry. Daniel became concerned for her. “What’s wrong?” he asked. His female friend turned back to him with tears. “I am a nymphomaniac!” she blurted out. “I practically sleep with every guy that I find attract drunk or sober, and they leave me in return. I always end up heartbroken, feeling stupid, and alone! All I want is a relationship where a guy just didn’t treat me like shit!” Madeline cried even harder. Daniel began to feel sorry for her. “Listen,” he said softly. “I like you too. But, you just keep trying to rush things. Tell you what, if we take things slow, I’ll eventually sleep with you sometime.” Maddie looked up with tears in her sweet brown eyes. “You really mean it? *Sniff*” she questioned. The major nodded softly. Then, he pulled out a handkerchief from his jacket and handed it to Madeline. She wiped away her tears with it. “See?” Dan asked. “You’re starting to look better again, already!”
Madeline ended up sleeping on his arm for the rest of the night. Daniel just kept looking up at the sky above him. “Oh boy!” he thought in slight distress. “Now what do I do?” The major sighed aloud to himself. This was going to be a long night!