How Do You Do?
I feel that it is pointless to tell you who I am because I am already well-known to most people. But who the rest who don’t know, I’ll be brief and tell you. My name is Winry Rockbell. I am fifteen years old, tall, blonde, gorgeous, and I like mechanics. I even took a shop and most of the auto tech classes for fun and the fact that they are pretty easy! But that’s not why I came to Tokyo-Zion Academy. I came here to keep watch over Edward Elric. I know he can take care of himself, but still. I just can’t really be too careful about him! Besides, Ed needs someone there to fix his automail. He breaks every other day and I have high doubts that anyone here is just as capable as me to fix back into top shape!
My roommate is Poppy Smith. She is an adorable little sweetheart. At the moment, she has a broken heart. Her “boyfriend,” Ralph, has been cheating on her for weeks with her so-called best friend. I first knew the story a couple of weeks ago. I was on my down time then. (I get one hour to myself between my eight o’clock class and my ten o’clock class.) I was finishing up on my homework in the South Campus lobby for the next shop class on Thursday when she sat down beside me. Melanine Miles came in with her tight red skirt and revealing white blouse. She looked happy about something. Part of me was curious to find out but a bigger part of me didn’t really want to know based on what Lonna Winfield said. Melanine makes me sick about just the way she is! Anyway, Melanine sat down beside me was a huge grin on her painted face. I tried my best to ignore her but that only encouraged her to blab it anyway. “I just had sex with Ralph Jones in the storage room!” she blurted out. I froze in shook as I dropped my pencil on the paper. I turned to her stunned. “What?!?” I asked out loud. “I just had sex with Ralph Jones in the storage room!” Melanine repeated in joy. I went pale really fast. “But isn’t he Poppy’s boyfriend?” I asked sickly. Melanine still kept her smile. “Yes!” she exclaimed. “That’s what makes the whole adventure even better!” I had lost all words for that instantly. I mean, what can you say to that? All I can say is that I pity Poppy for getting stuck was such a cheating asshole.
At first, I dropped hints to Poppy about what Ralph and Melanine were doing but that didn’t really work. So, I tried strong hints. She got those clearly and didn’t believe me. At long last, I couldn’t bare to hide the truth in pretty hints. I broke down and told the truth. “Ralph is cheating on you with Melanine!” I yelled at long last as Poppy was getting ready to head out of the door. She turned to me annoyed. “There is no way Ralph would do such a thing!” she snapped. “He loves me too much for that and Melanine is my best friend! She would never do a thing like that!” Well, sadly she now knows. And as I said before, I pity her for not believing any of us before it was too late. I only hope she finds a better guy that will stay faithful to her.
The girls here are okay. I already told you about Poppy. Lonna is nice but I doubt her boyfriend, Kenisuke. He seems too much like Ralph. I won’t be surprised if he ends up cheating on Lonna too. Melanine as I said before, makes me sick! Some friend she is! I hope Ralph cheats on her as well! Grrr!!! Okay, I’m getting pissed when I don’t need to again. *Breathes in to calm down*
Anyway, then there’s Angelica. She’s crazy! The girl snorts coke whenever she pleases and doesn’t care about getting caught! She’s just about as worse as Melanine. But Shannon on the other hand is worse than Melanine! She’s married and she’s still sleeping around with every man that crosses her path! Ed seems sick around Shannon for some reason. Something is up. But Torii, she freaks me out. I’ll be changing in my dorm when I turn to the window and see her. Torii will be sitting up in a tree watching me with a huge grin on her face. I scream and shut the curtains in a heartbeat. She is just creepy!
Other than that, the girls here are okay.
Breathe Out, So I Can Breathe You In