Hey Jude
I have been feeling guilty lately. I can’t remember the last time I had seen my son, Julian. He’s not the one I had with Shannon. (He’s not a little terror like Turquin and Vera.) I’m talking about the son I had with my first wife, Leslie. My easy was so much easier and care-free then. I know what you’re thinking. How did I go from Leslie to Shannon? And why not try to go back? *Nervous laugh* Kind of a funny story really… I don’t really want to talk about it now. But if you insist, okay.
We were young back then, Leslie and I. We were really wild in those days. I mean, Woodstock wild. I couldn’t remember a time when we didn’t party. I met Leslie at a student club in fact. She was out partying with her friends. I had seen her before in Rob’s kendo class. This girl was very bright and a pretty good fighter. She has kicked most of the boys’ asses in the class. I personally was scared to go up against her, but I didn’t admit it to my friends at the time. (Didn’t want to admit to a bunch of guys that I was scared to fight a girl. So, I came up with many good-sounding excuses of why I couldn’t fight my soon-to-be then-wife. Not sure that they bought it though…)
Anyway, I was hanging out in the club with my friends when I spotted her at the bar with her friends. I didn’t know who she was at first. She looked so different out of her fighting uniform. But then, I noticed the fierce red braids to her high back.
“Leslie?” I asked in shock. She turned from her drink and looked up at me in the shock that mirrored mine.
“Perry?” she asked. “I didn’t know you came to places like this!” I shrugged and gave her a little smile.
“Oh, I just come out with my friends from time to time,” I replied. “What about you?” She gave me a little smile as she sloshed around her glass in her hand.
“I like to go out on the weekend,” Leslie replied. We let the music take over our silence and thoughts for a moment. I looked my classmate up and down. She had on a little black dress with golden heel sandals on and a little gold purse by her side. Her nails were painted white and shimmery. Same with her toe nails as well. I couldn’t help but to admit, Leslie Lennon looked hot that night!
“You look so different out of your uniform!” I shouted. She gave me a strange look.
“Are you saying that you saw me naked?” my new crush asked. I quickly shook my head as I realized how wrong I worded that statement.
“No, no!” I said quickly. “I meant! I have never seen you in normal clothes before.” She smiled and chuckled at me. This lovely little miss patted the stool next to her.
“Care to buy me a drink?” Leslie asked. I almost flew right through the club roof.
“Sure!” I said. I quickly sat down next to her. She gave me that cute little smile of hers. We spend the night talking and drinking. Leslie didn’t seem as scary as she did in class. Far from it. In fact, she was as sweet a tame as a little kitty. She just wanted to party and have a good time with life. All in all, she was just a normal person just like everyone else. I then got to know both sides of Leslie Lennon. Right then, I found myself falling more in love with her. The next part just came so naturally out of my mouth.
“Do you want to come back to my place?” I asked. Leslie’s plump lips curved into a luscious.
“Sure!” she said. We left the bar and haled a campus cab back to my dorm. She kissed me in the back seat. I couldn’t help but to kiss her back. I let myself go as her strong yet gentle hands found their way under my shirt. I groped her breasts in a cheeky way. We made it all the way back to my dorm.
“Shhh,” I whispered to her. “We have to be very quiet. My roommates might be sleeping now.” Leslie only giggled at me and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back.
“Okay then,” I said. I led her all the way back to my room. I don’t mean to brag about sex, but that was one of the best nights in my life. A relationship between Leslie and I formed soon after that. She slowly led me into her party lifestyle. I found myself club and bar-hopping all over Tokyo with my new girlfriend. However, things soon became a little more complicated from there.
Six weeks into our relationship, Leslie became pregnant. She told me after class. I remember that moment very well. I was just about to leave for the day when Leslie hurried over to me. My eyes lit up when I saw her.
“Babes!” I said as I took her into my arms. She looked at me with a sad look in her eyes.
“Perry,” she said. “We need to talk.” I looked at her, lost on her words. Nothing good ever follows those words. I silently prepared for the worst.
“What’s wrong, Leslie?” I asked. She looked at me with those moss green eyes of hers.
“I’m pregnant…” my girlfriend mumbled. I stared at her blankly for a moment.
“WHAT?!?” I finally screamed.
“I’m pregnant,” Leslie repeated. “By a week.”
“Oh shite,” I mumbled. She broke down crying. I held her close in my arms.
“Shhh,” I whispered into her red hair. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” She only cried at my chest. This moment set off a chain of events. Her parents and friends pressured me into marrying Leslie. That wasn’t the bad thing; it was just that the reason and timing were just wrong. I married her never the less. We still partied let we normally did, but not so much. Then eight months later, our son, Julian was born.
Julian was always bright kid. By the time he was three, he could read perfectly well. He was well-mannered and only got into trouble like typical little kids do. Leslie and I still lived freely until we met Shannon at a party one night. Back then, Shannon was like a single and childless version of Leslie. I missed that so much in my then-wife. To make a long story short, one thing led to another. I ended up falling in love with Shannon and drifting away from Leslie. Pretty soon, Leslie and I realized we just weren’t in love with each other anymore. So, we ended up filing for divorce. Then a year later, Shannon and I were married. Now, you can see how that all turned out.
But, the one who really lost out on this whole mess was Julian himself. The poor kid was only six when Leslie and I got divorced. He didn’t seem to know what was going on or how to take it. To make matters even worse, I started spending less and less time with him. Shannon seemed to come first in my new life. It didn’t happen overnight. I used to call and visit Leslie and Julian every day. Then, it became once a week. Then once a month. Once every three months, six months, and then I stopped coming and calling altogether. I didn’t mean to. It’s just I got busy with work, those monsters Shannon and I have together, and trying to keep Shannon from straying from me. I do miss Leslie and Julian so much. I really do. I wish I could have stayed with them inside of leaving for this life now.
I look back on it now. I realize that I haven’t really spent that much time with Julian since I divorced Leslie. I really wish I could have. Maybe… It’s not too late. Would make a nice change from those monsters Shannon had. Would be nice to hear Julian and Leslie’s voices. I think I should call them now. Yeah, I really need to call them. That’s it! I’m going to make the call. I got up and went over to the phone.
Christ, You Know it Ain’t Easy