Girls’ Night Chat:
Simone’s Notes:
Women don’t want to be saints. They like to have fun as much as the next person. They will try anything to break away from the shackles of being tied down to the old-time stereotypes. They don’t want to be good little dolls. No! Women fight to be free. Women fight to stand on their own two feet without any burdens on their feet. Women fight to have fun in their otherwise dull lives. The last thing any woman wants is to be put back in her cage called home life. Women are born fighters.
“I’m telling you, men are useless in life without us!” Addi called out as she was sucking on her Sugar Daddy. “I mean, think about it! Women are the driving force behind a man. We always clean up their messes. We keep everything in line at home. We are their muses when things look pretty grim. Women practically baby-sit for men! Hell, I don’t think men could survive long without us at all.” The boys were out on their typical night-outs. The women had the game room all to themselves tonight. The WAGs and the military women decided to have a small picnic to themselves. They even invited Ella, the Dark Moon girls, and the Maywillow girls along. They were even wearing pajamas tonight. So in a sense, this was a slumber party with teenage girls and adult women. “But is it really fair to say that?” Daisy asked uneasily as she was slipping her Pepsi. The sergeant turned to her smiling. “Come on, Dais,” she called. “It’s always been true! Throughout history women were more superior than men. Even when we didn’t have as many rights as them, we *still* had the power. Only a few decades ago we just decided that there had to be more than the home life for us!” “True!” Kim agreed as she finished a box of Lemonheads. “Exactly!” Addi called.
The WAG and the sergeant turned to the younger girls. “Take notes girls,” Kim said aloud to them. “This information will come in handy to you later in life!” Ginny, Jodie, and Yumi nodded uneasily. Bev, Amy, and Alli already knew what she was talking about. “Now, don’t get us wrong,” Addi spoke again. “We LOVE our boys. But sometimes, we have to take over the wheel and drive the rest of the way home.” “Like co-pilots?” Jodie asked. “You can say that!” Anika said. Addi lied down on her stomach. “In fact,” she said. “A few rules to know with men! You listening?” The younger girls nodded. The sergeant kept smiling at them. “Good,” she said. “Number one, a woman stands next to a man, not behind or under! You are too strong for that! So don’t let yourself fall to that place!” “If I find out that you have, I’ll hunt you down and make your lives hell!” Kim barked from behind. “Yes ma’am!” the girls called. Yasmine turned to her looking. “Easy now, Kim!” she called. “No need to scare them!” “Yeah,” the main WAG said. “But just bring the point through!” The hunter didn’t look convinced. “Anyway,” Addi said. “Number two; don’t be afraid to keep them on a tight leash if it calls for it.” “Why is that?” Ginny asked. “If you need to put them back in line,” Bailey reasoned. “Just pull the leash and you’ll have him back under control.” “But what if that doesn’t work?” Winry asked. “I keep trying to pull and Edward still strays.” Angelica lightly put her arm around her housemate. “Aw don’t worry,” she replied. “Just keep pulling the leash, he’ll eventually get the message! Just hang in there.” Usually when she spoke, Winry would feel sick around Angelica because she breathed out vile information about sex and men. But this time, she seemed more wise and mature about it. Winry softly smiled at her. “Thanks, Angie!” she called. The older girl smiled at her. “Of course,” she said. “That would also take some tight leather and some lubrication in the process…” “Okay that’s enough!” the blonde mechanic called out loudly. Then, she broke away from Angelica and went over to Poppy and Lonna. The sincere moment was now dead!
“Number three,” Addi cut in. “Don’t let yourself go! I say this not for a man’s sake, but for your own. I don’t limit it for looks. I’m talking the whole picture. I’m not trying to nag or anything, but hear me out on this one. Keep yourself healthy. Not only because you need to, but to out live your enemies. There is no revenge better than out-living the people you hate!” The sergeant looked at the young girls closely. “You following so far?” she asked. The Maywillow girls nodded. “Good!” Kim shouted out. Before she picked up again, Addi turned to her friends. “Anyone else want to contribute to the rules?” she offered. Oh, this was too tempting not to pass up! All of the female species in the room wanted to add their two-cents in. But what to say to such young girls? “Don’t let a man step on you!” Ella called out. “If he pushes you, don’t be afraid to push back!” Anika added. Addi was applauding them. “Good, good!” she called. “Those are beautiful starts!” “Don’t be afraid to put yourself first at times!” Ross added. “Be strong enough to tell them no,” Riza put in. “It might hurt you now, but it’ll be for the best later.” “You don’t always need a mouth to hand your hand!” Erin replied. “You can make it on your own at times.” “Give the men a break at times,” Gracia chimed in. “They may not be perfect, but some do try at times.” The advice column went on for hours. The younger girls kept getting flooded with advise. They thought that the dam of information would bust at any second. There was so much to learn and know. But the seriousness went down when the pizza came.
The atmosphere became light and happy again. The girls were all laughing and joking around. Most of the topics were about men and their loves. Then, it got dirtier into sex. Ginny and Jodie were blushing in shame. Yumi, Alli, Bev, and Amy were smiling to themselves secretly. Simone was jotting down her notes fiercely. “This is intruding!” she thought. “I never thought that I would get so much information out of a group of women!” Laura watched her sister write. “Such an ambitious soul!” she thought. “I’m so proud of her!” After eating, the women all shared cute little funny stories about their childhood and love lives. They all shared a healthy laugh. Addi lied back laughing. “Whew!” she called out. “That was great!” She turned to her friends. “It’s so nice to have these girly chats once in a while!” “Yeah!” the other women agreed. Outside, the boys had returned and were in the doorway listening to every single word. They were all pink with embarrassment. Of course, they couldn’t face their women. How could they? What could they say to them? What could they do? All the men could do was just stand there and listen even more about the embarrassing stories about them.