X: Urges
Flame Up:
Simone’s Notes:
The art of seduction is a well-crafted one. It takes the right words, the right movements, the right tone, the right timing, and everything else in between. Appearance is the first step to seduction. One has to at least look decent to charm the one they want. Then, they have to use the right movements to keep their attention. Next comes the right words and tone to seal the deal. If all goes well, then it’s a great night in bed!
Mustang sat stressed at his desk. He had to work late tonight. Most of the people went home for the night. His mind was preoccupied at the moment. Selena, a murderer? Please, let it not be! This really wasn’t good for the brigadier general. Hawkeye dumped him, French mocked him at every turn, Tawny was working on the Night Slayer case, the nurses drove him insane, and now his potential lover was a murderer. This late night shift wouldn’t be so bad if Mustang had someone to come back to afterwards. “Damn it,” he thought. “Why is everything screwed up in my life now? When is something interesting going to happen here?” Meanwhile, Daphine was peeking in on him. The nurse had to work late as well. She was feeling some sympathy for the brigadier general. “Poor baby!” she thought. The nurses and her housemates delighted on giving Mustang a hard time. But was there such thing as too much? She had killed his love life by telling everybody that he was lousy in bed. Now, Mustang was like a sad little homeless puppy at times. It really was a pitiful sight at times. The nurse really wished that there was something she could do to help him out.
Then, an idea hit Daphine. “I should make it up to him!” she thought. Then, Nurse Waters disappeared to the ladies room. She looked at herself in the mirror when she got there. To seduce a man, one has to look the part. Daphine already had the looks. Just a little touch up and she’d be perfect. “When Daphine wants a man,” she thought lustfully. “Daphine gets a man!” Then, she took out her make-up kit and got to work. First came a fresh color up for her luscious lips. “Red or gold peach?” she thought. The nurse finally decided to go with a light red to be safe. She didn’t want to look desperate. Next came her sweet blonde hair. Daphine decided to take down her hair tonight. She liked her French braid, but even she got sick of it at times. Now for the eyes. They didn’t need much after all. Just a little reapply and she was done. She then unbuttoned her uniform a little bit to show off her cleavage in an innocent flirty way. The look was complete! Daphine smiled at herself in the mirror. “It’s show time!” she thought. Then, the nurse headed out to her target.
Mustang was half through signing his papers in misery when he held the door close. He snickered to himself in defeat. “Oh, Hawkeye!” the brigadier general thought to himself. “Come to give me more work! That’s just typical of you!” The man slowly looked up to see… Nurse Daphine Waters herself in the doorway. She was looking like the siren she normally was with a seductive smile on her face. Mustang kept his eyes on her. He nodded that her hair was down from its usual French braid and her uniform was unbuttoned to reveal her cleavage. The general rolled his eyes annoyed at first. “Oh, it’s you!” he said flatly. “What do you want? To come and harass me again? Haven’t you done enough to me?” Daphine looked as if she was hurt by his accusations. “Aw…” she said pitifully as she stepped inside. “Don’t be like that!” Then, the nurse silently closed and locked the door behind her. Mustang watched her in suspicion. Then, Waters walked forward to him sexually. Now, the general was caught between confusion and slight arousal. Daphine leaned in close to her prey. Her navy blue eyes met his deep onyx eyes. “I only want to repent for being a total bitch to you!” she replied in a low seductive voice. This was unexpected! Why the sudden change of heart?
“Okay,” Mustang spoke up. “Did your little friends put you up to this?” The nurse kept smiling at him. “You tell me,” she replied. Mustang lightly wanted to give in but something seemed off here. “Is this a trick or something?” he asked. Daphine leaned in close to his ear. “Will this convince you?” she whispered. Then, she moved back to his mouth and lightly kissed him on it. Suddenly, any doubt he had of her quickly vanished. He had almost forgotten what this was like! Then, the nurse lightly pulled away. She smiled at him again. “Now do you believe me?” Daphine asked sexually. The general didn’t know what to say at first. “Yes!!!” he replied at last. Then, shoved everything off of his desk and kissed the nurse again. Daphine was beginning to enjoy the foreplay already. “Maybe this will be better than the first time!” she thought.
Mustang pushed the nurse up against the door in a light and heated rush. He grabbed a hold of her lovely wait. It had been a whole month since he has last had any sex! He slowly starting to turn blue. The man was close to breaking the orders and visiting a whore. But now… This was his chance to reclaim his kingdom in the love world. The nurse slowly slipped her tongue into his mouth. That started up the nearly dead fever again. The taste was completely powerful. He began to move his hands to her shoulders and grab on there. The general felt his organ stirring awake for once in weeks. Yes! Hello old drill commander! Great to have you back! Now it’s time to invade this nurse and give her orders! Mustang lightly brushed his loaded cock against her light blue skirt. That made the nurse tremble in delight. She just had to have more!
Daphine quickly began unbuttoning his jacket and slowly slid it off. Mustang trembled in delight. His hands moved to her uniform and began to finish unbuttoning it. Both could barely keep still with this. The fever was rising and taking over them quickly. Mustang slid off the top of the her uniform in a great rush. Daphine reached forward and began unbuttoning his white shirt quickly. Stripping down one’s lover was an art in itself. There were only thee ways of doing it: quickly, slowly, and mixed. The nurse looked to strip down her lovers slowly. And brigadier general Roy Mustang was no exception to the rule. “I’ll go extra slow for him!” Nurse Waters thought. Then, she began her slow torment with his shirt as she slid it off. Mustang trembled in delight. Hawkeye used to be like this! But now, she’s with that other man! Damn him! May his cock become disabled!
There he was again! “Forget about them!” Mustang thought in aroused lust-anger. “Focus on Daphine!” He began to yank down to the rest of her light blue uniform. The dress fell from her hot waist and all the way down to her sensual little ankles. He quickly reached behind the nurse and began unhooking her black and purple lace bra. She trembled happily in his arms as he did so. His fingers at her spine added to the sexual thrill he had to give. Once the bra came loose, Mustang slowly began to slide it off of her. Daphine moaned loudly in his mouth. The brigadier general’s love confidence was sky high tonight. He could tell when a woman was faking or really enjoying herself. Daphine Waters was really enjoying her tonight!
As he held her close again, Roy noticed that Daphine wasn’t wearing any panties at all! That shot his excitement up even more! “She knows what she wants right away, doesn’t she?” he thought to himself happily. The nurse reached forward and undid his pants painfully slow. Mustang just couldn’t wait anymore. He leaned forward and kissed her deeply on the lips again. Waters happily kissed him back quickly. Mustang slipped his tongue into her sweet mouth. As she did the same, Daphine began to slowly slide down his pants. She began on his boxers when the general stopped her and broke off the kiss. The nurse looked into his deep onyx eyes wondering why he had stopped her when it was getting better. Mustang didn’t say a word to her at all. He just took Daphine by her wrists and took her back over to his desk.
The nurse lied back on the oak desk and spread her legs for him. Mustang huddled over her. This was a great catch for tonight. Daphine reached up and slid off his boxers. She flung them to the ground in excitement. Roy leaned down to her sweet and lovely ear. “I have something for you in my top drawer.” he whispered. The nurse smiled at him in response. She reached down and slowly pulled the drawer open. Mustang watched as she reached inside. Daphine looked and saw that her fingertips were on a Trojan. “Oh!” she said in a naughty tone. “You were prepared tonight, weren’t you?” “I found that, actually.” Mustang replied. “Does it matter?” his one-night asked. Then, Daphine unwrapped, opened it, and handed to the brigadier general. He quickly slipped it on. Mustang then grabbed her by the hips and slid himself into her. The nurse moaned at the feeling of his big member inside of her. This was really better than the last time! There was only one thing left to do.
The brigadier general began to pull in and out slowly. For once in months, they both felt real pleasure. This was better than the last time. The fever was sky high today! Mustang held onto the nurse’s shoulders tightly. “OHHHH!!!!” Daphine screamed out in bliss. “HARDER!!!!” The general sped up at her wishes. The nurse reached up and held her soon-to-be lover closer to her. She felt her nipples harden at the feel of sweat on his back. Mustang tipped down and began sucking on her breasts. Oh! The taste drove him to pump even faster. The fever was higher than the sky now. How could it go wrong the first time, but yet be MUCH better the second go around? As they both rode on, the answer became clearer. They had been missing the fever the whole time the first time! How did it magically show up now? Only Daphine partly figured that one out when Mustang brushed up against a sensitive spot. The nurse arched her hips up to his manly thrusts. The general grabbed onto Daphine’s thighs just as tight as he could. “He’s better than all of the other men that I have slept with!” she thought in bliss. “OH YES!!!” she screamed out. “DEEPER!!! HARDER!!!!” Mustang did so with great speed and might. He was beginning to enjoy this more than would he did with Hawkeye and all of the other women he had slept with. Daphine ran her fingers through his short black hair.
At long last, Daphine came for real and hard. “OHHHHH!!!!! OHHHHH!!!!” she screamed out in overpowering ecstasy. Her climax was so hard that nails dug his shoulders. Mustang just held onto her tightly. The man tried to not yell out just yet. He came within the condom as well. Roy moaned loudly in her breasts. Once he was done, the man began to loosen his grip. Mustang lifted his head to look Daphine right in the face again. She lied there panting happily. “Wow!” the nurse called out at last. “That was better this time!” Mustang smiled at her wickedly. “Not so lousy in bed, eh?” he asked. Daphine shook her head smiling. “No,” she replied. “You actually are good!” Her one-night stand smiled at that final judgment. “Thanks!” Mustang called. His reputation had been restored! He was king of the love world again! Ha-ha! Eat that Hawkeye!
Daphine rose to her feet and walked over to the door. The brigadier general watched her as she get dressed again. “Hey!” he called out quickly just about she was going to leave. The nurse froze in her place but didn’t see anything. Mustang quickly sat up on the desk. “Is that it?” he asked. “Will there be more?” Daphine smiled to herself sweetly and turned to him. “That depends,” she answered sexually. Roy raised an eyebrow at her. “On what?” he asked. The nurse kept smiling at him like a siren. “If you really want it!” she finished. Mustang sat there staring at her in silence. Then, Waters picked up his clothes and threw them at him. “Now, get dressed,” she said with a wink. “You’ve got work to do! I’ll see you again tomorrow.” Then she winked at him again and headed out the door. “Good night!” the nurse called from the hall.
All Mustang had to hold onto was the sound of her kitten heels echoing as she walked down the hallway. When all was silent again, the brigadier general yanked off the condom, threw it in the trash, and got dressed. The man then began to pick up his things and put them back on his desk. He couldn’t believe it! He just couldn’t believe it! What just happened? Did… the woman who said he was lousy in bed before… sleep with him again and… actually enjoy it? What made her change her mind? Doesn’t matter! Mustang had made his decision as he signed his paperwork quickly for the night. “Heh!” he thought to himself. “I’ll definitely be having Miss Waters in my bed again soon!” He smiled to himself as he signed his last paper. He rose from his desk and left his office to go home at long last. His luck was finally turning around again!