Documentary #002
Simone’s Notes:
Sex, love, and relationships are like chess. There are usually two players in the beginning. The pieces in chess symbolize the elements in a relationship. Each player moves a piece across the board, moving things one day at a time. When a piece is taken, the lovers sacrifice something from their lives to make it work. When it is checkmate, it is the climate at the end of sex or the highest point in a relationship. Then, the game starts again. Sometimes with the same players, other times with different players. Depends on what comes next.
“How can a girl be pregnant and still be a virgin?” Derdra asked aloud to the usual crew the next day. She, the nurses, and a couple of their loves were crowded around the nurse’s station as typical in the morning. “Is this girl still even a virgin?” Havoc asked them. “Are you sure the doctors didn’t see right?” “Davis’s hymen was still perfectly in tact alright!” Jaks told him. “So, how is she expecting a child?” her boyfriend asked. “That’s what we’re trying to figure out!” Anjia replied. Silence fell onto them. “A misfire, maybe?” Don asked. They all looked up at him as if he was crazy. The lt. shrugged at his crew. “It happens,” he said. “She and her boyfriend might have decided to try and sleep together. He could’ve gotten too excited before entering in her and shot off early.” A pause came to everyone. “Interesting,” Jessie replied. “But she said she hasn’t even kissed a boy yet!” “Oh…” Don said uneasily. It became quiet again. “HEY!!!” someone yelled out. The crew all looked up to see Dr. Gail Howard glaring at them slowly. She was leaning on her cane glaring at them crossly. “This isn’t a gossip circle!” the doc yelled out. “GET BACK TO WORK!!!” Then, they all scattered like leaves in the wind. Gail shook her head smirking. “That was just too easy!” she thought in sick happiness. Then she herself went back to work as well.
Simone was at her desk writing down more notes from the second part of Sexual History and Science. Summer was coming up soon. That only meant one thing to her. It was time for the first evaluation. So far, everything looked smooth. Her notes were organized in a neat-freak way and they were perfectly clear for reading. Evaluations were the most important part of the course program. It determined who would stay and who would be cut. Those that stayed studied under a trained sexologist for two years. Simone really needed to stay in to become a sexologist. She even wished to study under Dr. Howard as well. “Dr. Howard is so good with her work!” the college girl thought. So she began her work extra hard today. Dr. Howard kept an eye on her house guest. She was impressed with the girl’s work so far. “It’s great in its raw form,” she thought. “But it needs to be shaped. The OCD is the only thing that holds her back at times.” Then, the physiatrist/sexologist came up with a great idea. A smile came across her face. “I suppose, I could take little Simone under my wing!” she thought. There was only one way to do that. Dr. Howard quietly slipped away to the phone.
At London University, the phone rang in Professor Collins’ office on science floor. The kindly old man reached onto his desk and answered. “Hello?” he asked into the receiver. “Nigel!” Dr. Howard called happily. His eyes grew big in shock. “Wendee?” Professor Collins asked. “Is that you?” “Yes sir!” his old friend replied. “How are you?” “Great!” Nigel replied. “How is Miss. Williams?” “Excellent!” Wendee replied. “She is a joy to have in my house.” “Good!” the girl’s teacher replied in pride. “She’s quite a handful with her OCD at times.” “Yes,” Dr. Howard agreed. “About her, you know that evaluations for your sexology course start in May two days from now, right?” “Yes,” Nigel said to her carefully. “Williams’s work is due two weeks from now, am I correct?” “Yes,” her friend replied. “And if the students pass their evaluations, they study under a mentor, right?” Wendee went on. “Yes,” Professor Collins’ answered. “What exactly are you getting at?”
In Amestris, Dr. Howard smiled to herself over the phone. “Only that Simone does some great work,” she went on. “I would really *love* to have her as my student for, oh I don’t know, two years!” There came a pause over the phone. “So… you’re saying that you want to…” her old friend went on. “Yes, Nigel!” Wendee replied. “I want to take Simone as my student when she passes her evaluation.” “But…” Professor Collins spoke up in shock. “Come on now, Nigel,” Wendee cut in with a grin. “You owe me, remember? We had a bet in our senior year of college. I won and now I want to take in Simone as my student! So what do you say?” Another silence came between them again. “You actually remember that bet after all of those years?” the teacher asked in shock. “Uh-huh!” the physiatrist replied to him. A short pause came over the line. “Whoa! I’m shocked that you actually remember that!” Professor Collins replied. “Well then, I’ll see what I can do!” His old friend smiled to herself again. “Thank you, Nigel!” she replied. “Have a nice day!” Then, Dr. Howard hung up the phone and went back to check on how Simone was coming along with her work.
Kate sat in her bed early in the morning. Usually, the girl would be out on a nice day like this. She really didn’t feel like getting up this morning. Her mother was convinced that she was coming down with an enigmatic illness. Kate would try to tell her that she was fine enough to go to school, but her mother wouldn’t hear of it. Her daughter had no choice but to agree reluctantly and stay in bed. This morning sickness seemed to be eating her alive. If she had a cenz for every time she had to throw-up in the toilet because of this baby, she would be rich by now. One day when she snuck over to school while her parents were out, Kate was almost fine until she fainted in the cafeteria. She ended up giving most of the teachers a heart attack as they called for her mother to come and take her home. From then on, Mrs. Davis decided to keep a close watch over her daughter until she was “well” again. Kate shook her head as she shutter at all of the morning sickness she had. “Just thinking about makes me feel sick all over again!” the girl thought. She felt her head beginning to ache again. She was lucky that her parents hadn’t noticed a thing yet. How could *they* even begin to believe that she was pregnant, still a virgin, and there was no father? They would probably say that she was drugged and raped by she pervert and have the poor in jail for the rest of his life for no real reason at all. Kate was happy to have her friends to help her through this crisis. But however, she would seem to have “more help” with her baby.
“Four wheeled strollers are better than three,” a voice spoke up. “History has always proved it so. And what about baby names? This child deserves a very powerful name, don’t you think? It wouldn’t be fair to give it a bland everyday name.” Kate quickly jerked her head up in shook. Nyious sat on her bed with a caring look on his face. He was dressed in a long white robe with a sliver sash around the waist. Kate stared at this stranger in complete fear. “Here,” Nyious replied. Then, the deity pulled out a hot steaming mug from his pearly white robes and set it beside of her on her white nightstand. “It’s raspberry herb,” he went on. “It is to help you with morning sickness.” Fear seized the girl completely. “W-Who are you?” she asked nervously. “What do you want with me?” The deity kept smiling at her. “Kate,” he replied. “There is no need to fear. I am your guardian angel sent here to protect you and your baby!” The girl stared at him confused. “My guardian angel?” she asked confused. “Yes!” Nyious replied. He leaned in close to her. “It’s going to be an amazing girl, Kate!” he whispered to her. The girl didn’t know what to say at first. “What do you mean?” she asked at last. Nyious smiled tenderly at her. “You will see in nine months time,” he replied. “Just trust in me and you will be fine!” Kate nodded quickly. The false angel smiled at her again. “Good,” he said. “Now drink your tea.” Then, Nyious got off of her bed and left the room. Kate just lied there in her bed and watched in shock.
Outside, Envy was waiting for Nyious on the curb. The false angel walked up to his guest. “Guardian angel, huh?” the homunculus asked. The soldier shrugged. “Hey,” he spoke. “I had to be something convincing to her.” Envy smiled as he shook his head. “You’re a mess!” “Anything to keep Ai-Oni happy!” the she-devil’s brother said. “Now, we watch and manipulate!” Then the boys handed back up to the sky. Summer was round two of the games.