Apollo’s Song:
Simone’s Notes:
Admiration plays a significant part in this, as 'in the case of a schoolgirl
crush on a boy or on a male teacher. The girl starts off admiring the teacher...
[then] may get hung up on the teacher and follow him around'. Then there may be
shame at being confronted with the fact that 'you've got what's called a crush
on him...Think if someone was hanging around you, pestering and sighing'. Of
course 'sex may come into this...with an infatuated schoolgirl or schoolboy' as
well, producing the 'stricken gaze, a compulsive movement of the throat...an
"I'm lying down and I don't care if you walk on me, babe", expression' of
infatuation. Such a cocktail of emotions 'may even falsify the "erotic sense of
reality": when a person in love estimates his partner's virtues he is usually
not very realistic...projection of all his ideals onto the partner's
Loathing, worry,
guilt, hope.
That is all that
is inside of Edward now.
He can’t grasp
Tonight, he is
digging within himself in an attempt to understand.
When Mya and her
plaything were sound asleep,
Edward closed
his eyes,
Took a trip deep
into his soul.
He knows this
feeling too well.
So much so, that
he almost ignores it.
It sits back and
Laughing at him.
Licking its
Edward doesn’t
know how to make it go away.
Still, there are
three others to deal with.
This is another
old friend of his.
However, it is
for a different reason.
What will happen
to Derdra and Winry when this over?
He needed a way
to secure their safety through the storm unfolding
He knew that he
had to work fast too.
Worry constantly
breathed down his neck.
It whispers in
his ear and tries to kiss his neck.
Edward doesn’t
know how to push worry off.
Another old
friend of his.
It surprised
Edward that guilt never left.
Perhaps it was
in hiding when he was turned.
This was one of
the rare nights it paid him a visit.
Guilt sat on the
couch, smoking a cigarette.
Its facial
expression had never changed from the first time
His addiction
Edward found
himself desperate to get rid of it
But, guilt
refuses to leave
On this visit
Sure, it will
But guilt it
won’t leave.
Ah, this one.
Edward knows she
is there,
But she is
hiding from him.
He has a clear
idea of why.
The other three
guests scare her off.
Still, Edward
doesn’t want to let go of hope.
However, he
isn’t so sure of why he can’t.
Just maybe…
Edward huddled
up into a ball and screamed.
This wasn’t
Too much clouded
his mind.
There had to be
something else.
He could get rid
of the distraction in his life.
What it was, he
had a good guess.
Then just maybe…
By morning,
Edward open his eyes.
He knew what he had to do.