Birthday Confession

Aki’s birthday was when it came crashing down.

Fuyu had come up to Tokyo to see her sister on this special occasion. She had just come out of a gift shop when something caught her eye. Mark stood outside of a comic shop with a younger girl. The pretty blonde giggled as she talked to him. They shared a kiss before parting ways. Fuyu dropped her gift bag, gasping.

That was Mark! And… He’s cheating on Aki! Fuyu had to report back to Haru as soon as possible.


Haru frowned with the phone to her ear. “And you are sure about this?”

“Yes!” Fuyu shouted. “Mark is cheating on Aki with a hot blonde! I saw them kiss!”

“I see,” she said.

“What do we do?” Fuyu asked. Haru pushed her glasses up on her nose.

“Let me talk to him,” she said. “I will handle it.” Haru looked out of her office window. “You just don’t say anything for now.” Fuyu gulped on the other line.

“Okay,” she said. The sister hung up as her stomach turned.


By noon, Mark came back to the apartment. He peeked inside to see if he was alone.

“Aki?” he asked. “Are you here?”

“No,” a woman’s voice answered. Mark raised an eyebrow as he opened the door. Haru sat on the couching, eyeing coldly. The Scottish man gave her a strange look.

“Haru?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”

“I just thought I would stop by to give you a little message,” Haru replied.


The older woman looked at him with a demonic glare through her glasses. “I know what you are doing. If you hurt my sister in any way, I will make your life hell for the rest of the term.”

Mark gave her an uneasy look. “O—kay…”

“You will tell her the truth tonight or else I will!”

Mark rubbed his forehead and sighed. “Fine.”

Haru breathed out and pushed up her glasses. “Good.”

He looked up at the ceiling. I did not need this shite.


Around six o’clock, Aki met up with her friends and siblings at a steakhouse that had just opened up last week. She had been going on about how she wanted to go there. Haru had the money to get her in for her birthday. Aki arrived via taxi.

“Happy birthday!” her sister greeted her.

“Thanks!” she said. Haru cut a frosty glance at Mark. The Scottish man pretended not to see her.

“What’s with her?” Sick Boy whispered. Mark shrugged and shook his head as they followed the party into the restaurant. So far, everything went through rather breezy. The birthday girl laughed and talked with all of her siblings and friends at the table. She couldn’t help but stuff her face with cooking beef. The whole time, Haru glared at Mark.

“Tell her!” she mouthed at him. The Scottish man rolled his eyes. He put down his chopsticks and cleared his throat.

“Aki,” he said. “There’s something I have to tell.” The birthday girl looked up with an eyebrow raised.

“What?” she asked. Fuyu pressed her lips together as her hands trembled.

“Mark’s cheating on you!” she shouted. Haru rubbed her forehead while the “couple” gave her strange look.

“What?” she asked. Mark turned to her with a box in his hands.

“No, I bought her a typewriter cake for her birthday,” he said. “See?” The Scottish man opened the box, revealing a black and white typewriter cake. Fuyu gritted her teeth.

“Don’t lie!” she shouted. “I saw you kissing that woman this morning!” At first Mark looked so confused before the lights came on.

“Oh, you mean my girlfriend, Nikki?” he asked.

“Girlfriend?” Haru asked in a stern tone. Aki sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Fine, I might as well say it,” she said. The older sisters looked up.

“Say what?” Fuyu asked. Aki placed her hands in her lap.

“We aren’t a couple,” she said.

“What?” Spud asked. Aki lifted her head.

“I registered late and couldn’t find a place to live,” she admitted. “I found an apartment, but it was for couples only.” Haru’s nostrils flared.

“So you thought lying would get you ahead?” she asked.

“Yes,” Mark and Aki admitted. Sick Boy whistled.

“Wow!” he said. Haru’s hand trembled as she clutched her tea cup.

“This is unacceptable!” she yelled. “You be packing up and leaving by morning!” Aki followed her arms across her chest.

“No,” she said. Her sister raised an eyebrow.

“Are you telling me no?” she asked.

“Yes! I am so sick of you telling me what to do! I am twenty-five years old and I am sick of living up to your ideas of perfections. I am not like you! They aren’t like you! I am done doing as you say!”

“Aki…” Mark said.

“Shut up!” both sisters yelled. The Scottish man sat down with the cake in his hands. Now what? Aki threw down her napkin.

“This is bullshit,” she muttered.

“Aki-chan?” Ichiro asked. His sister flipped everyone off as she left the restaurant. The rest of the party was left sitting, blinking with nothing to say.